
No. 1(17) (2019)


Section: Documents

More discipline? Ministry of the Interior officer's crime report from February 1971

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(17) (2019), pages: 297-305

Publication date: 2023-03-28


From the beginning of February 1971, during the period prior to the 8th Plenary session of Central Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party – the first ‘regular’ meeting of the new party eadership with the First Secretary Edward Gierek – several pieces of critical information, analyses and reports emerged. One of these was information signed by the personnel department director of the Ministry of the Interior concerning discipline in the Ministry in 1970. It gives an insight into the statistical approach to the phenomenon of crimes in the Ministry that covers (contrary to the title of the document) the entire decade of the 1960s. It is not a complete picture however, as it only contains those situations, events or incidents that were classified as crimes by the leaders of the Ministry. It has to be remembered that many obvious violations and crimes were not detected or were not qualified as crimes or violations. In a democratic system such activity would be deemed as surveillance of the society (spying, eavesdropping, censoring correspondence etc.). According to the Ministry of the Interior such actions were totally desired.

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No. 1(17) (2019)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Documents