
No. 18 (2020)


Section: Articles and studies: Security Service 1957-1975

Concepts of the Disinformation of the Foreign Intelligence Services. New Traces in the Structural History of Department II of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after 1956

Patryk Pleskot


PhD with habilitation, historian and political scientist, holds an advanced doctoral degree in Political Science. He is a professor at the Lesser Poland State University Captain Witold Pilecki in Oświęcim (MUP), chief specialist at the Institute of National Remembrance (Warsaw Branch). His research interests include French history and historiography, social, cultural and political history of the People’s Republic of Poland, the Solidarity era, migrations, theories of international relations, research on remembrance in societies and the activities of special services. He has written over 150 research articles, and has authored, co-authored or edited over 35 books

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 18 (2020), pages: 56-70

Publication date: 2023-03-29



Following the lifting of restrictions on the so-called ‘restricted resource’ held by the Institute of National Remembrance, those documents threw a new light on the structural evolution and competences of Section VIII, in Department II of Poland’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, especially in the 1970s and 1980s. As it turns out, plans were in place for the section to form a unit for offensive activity against the Western intelligence services, primarily through disinformation. Ultimately, those original ambitions were scaled down on account of competency conflicts between different counterintelligence structures, and the section became a unit with a predominant focus on information and analytics for disinformation counterintelligence activity at central and regional levels.

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Pleskot P., Dyplomata czyli szpieg? Działalność służb kontrwywiadowczych PRL wobec zachodnich placówek dyplomatycznych w Warszawie (1956–1989), cz. 1: Generalia, Warszawa 2013

Pleskot P., Zagadka „oferentów”. W jaki sposób analizować motywacje obywateli PRL dobrowolnie oferujących działalność wywiadowczą zachodnim wywiadom? [w:] Antropologia donosu, red. R. Klementowski, J. Syrnyk, Wrocław–Warszawa 2017, s. 97–110

Pleskot, P. (2023). Concepts of the Disinformation of the Foreign Intelligence Services. New Traces in the Structural History of Department II of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after 1956. Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (18), 56–70. https://doi.org/10.48261/ARPRL201803



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No. 18 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles and studies: Security Service 1957-1975