
No. 1(12) (2014)


Section: Documents

The Case of Grzegorz Przemyk's Death in the Correcpondence of the Polish Episcopate with the Minister of the Interior of the Polish People's Republic (May–June 1983)

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(12) (2014), pages: 343-358

Publication date: 2023-03-28


The savage beating of a high school graduate, Grzegorz Przemyk, by officers of the Citizen’s Militia resulting in his death on 14 May 1983, shook public opinion in Poland. The murder particularly strongly reverberated in the academic-artistic-intellectual  communities, in which his mother, Barbara Sadowska, was involved. Some representatives of the Church also did not remain passive, and during a sermon on 29 May 1983, Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko described the death of Grzegorz as work inspired by Satan. The promulgation that accompanied the Przemyk issue was evidenced by the fact that in June, Sadowska was given an Audience with Pope John Paul II during his pilgrimage to Poland. The article includes two documents that were published which illustrate the Church’s activities relating to the tragic fate of Przemyk. The first one is a letter from the then Secretary of the Polish Episcopate, Archbishop Bronisław Dąbrowski, dated 24 May 1983, showing that the highest hierarchy of the Polish Church quickly became interested in the death of this high school graduate and that the Episcopate was very knowledgeable on the issue from the beginning. The information included in the letter of Archbishop Dąbrowski generally corresponds to the present state of knowledge and interpretation of the proceedings of the Prosecution Division of the Institute of National Remembrance on obstructing the 1983–1984 investigation into the circumstances of Przemyk’s death, which was completed in 2012. The second document, the response of Gen Czesław Kiszczak, dated 18 June 1983, is a model example of the cynical disinformation practised by the Security Service, Ministry of the Interior, the Citizen’s Militia Headquarters and some prosecutors with the consent of the Politburo. The aim of this propaganda was to protect the real murderers of Przemyk: officers of the Citizen’s Militia.

Pleskot, P. (2023). The Case of Grzegorz Przemyk’s Death in the Correcpondence of the Polish Episcopate with the Minister of the Interior of the Polish People’s Republic (May–June 1983). Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (1(12), 343–358. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/arpl/article/view/1508



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No. 1(12) (2014)


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Dział: Documents