No. 13 (2020)


  • Zanim powstało Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej. Refleksje o rozliczaniu przeszłości i traktowaniu akt w Polsce

    Paweł Perzyna

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 15–58

    This article discusses the issues related to the settling of accounts with the communist past, attempts to incorporate this process into the Polish legal system and the archival consequences of these endeavours. Many of the concepts concerning lustration and decommunization were connected to the idea of separating archival materials required to carry these out, as well as the intention of making the information contained in the files of state security organs accessible to citizens. In this situation, the logic of the proceedings dictated that the archival materials (the means of evidence) should first be collected in a separate institution, and then used to verify persons exercising functions in the government and communist party apparatus, as well as functionaries and collaborators of state security organs, and also provide access to the contents [of such individuals’ files] to persecuted persons and researchers. However, this has not happened in Poland. The twentieth anniversary of the commencement of activities by the Institute of National Remembrance is an excellent occasion to reconstruct the reciprocal relations between lustration, decommunization and ideas for the construction and legal position of a new archive with a historical repository that will significantly broaden the source database for research into the history of twentieth century Poland.

  • Zbiór fotografii Głównej Komisji Badania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu – doświadczenia w porządkowaniu, opracowywaniu, digitalizacji i upowszechnianiu

    Konrad Wiesław Ślusarski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 59–70

    The collection of photographs of the Main Commission for the Investigation of Crimes against the Polish Nation is one of the most important collections of iconographic materials depicting the Second World War on Polish territory and the German crimes committed there. It was generated throughout the entire period of the Main Commission’s existence, which successively collected incoming photos (both in the form of originals and reproductions). The compilation and recordkeeping principles adopted by the record creator mean that we are only able to estimate the size of the collection at about 128,000 photographs. The condition of the collection at the moment of its acquisition into the INR archival repository did not meet standards for the compilation, storage and ordering of photographic materials in archives. Therefore, work was undertaken to give the collection a new system, and the photographs were repacked and secured, as well as being separated from the acidulated protective cards. The photographs were digitised and are now available only in the format of digital copies. They are also being successively entered into the ZEUS database – the main tool for compiling digital copies of photographs in the INR Archive. The foundation for future records in the collection will be the numbering of photographs assigned by the record creator, which will make it possible to avoid the time-consuming creation of concordances, as well as to facilitate access to photographs and other related elements (negatives, protective cards, record notes, archival documents), which of necessity are stored separately.

  • Problemy systematyzacji dokumentacji wewnątrz jednostek archiwalnych na przykładzie akt wojewódzkich organów bezpieczeństwa zgromadzonych w Delegaturze Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Bydgoszczy

    Lech Graduszewski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 71–112

    The article discusses activities connected with ordering the internal structure of individual archival units in the WUSW Division “C” repositories in Bydgoszcz, Torun and Wloclawek, i.e. the arrangement of individual letters and documents within folders. These procedures concern a small part of the repository transferred to the archive of the INR Delegation in Bydgoszcz in a disorganized state. The proposed procedures do not apply to files stapled together and secured by the record creator with a special seal to prevent the unauthorized removal of cards. Special attention was given to the following types of documentation: personal sources of information, operational, investigative and prosecutorial. These materials were given a material-chronological layout. This was prompted by numerous MBP and MSW instructions and directives, as well as markers dividing the folders into individual parts; these were handed over together with the dust wrappers to an operational employee after registering a given operational case.

  • System kształcenia archiwistów i zarządców dokumentacji w Polsce. Zarys problematyki i próba systematyzacji

    Marlena Jabłońska

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 113–132

    The article discusses the contemporary education system for archivists and records managers in Poland, in its various forms and at all levels. Three routes to the profession are presented. The first of these is instruction at the secondary school level, indicating educational opportunities and requirements for archival technicians. The second route is higher education, whether at the bachelors, masters or PhD level. As a third route, supplementary education is specified in the form of post-graduate studies, courses in archives management, workshops and training courses, where it is not required to have an education in the field, and in the latter two cases, even the completion of a university degree is not a prerequisite for participation. Additionally, selected curricula are discussed, with particular emphasis on subjects in the field of modern technology, as well as pointing to content from the canon of archival science, which is intended to shape attitudes and provide basic information necessary for work in archives of various types. The article is also a starting point for discussion on the education system, its quality and the needs of the contemporary job market.

Zasób archiwalny

  • Śmierć na filmowej kliszy. Kadry z egzekucji wysokich funkcjonariuszy III Rzeszy w zbiorach Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej

    Krzysztof Szwagrzyk

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 133–146

    The archival collection that the Institute of National Remembrance has been accumulating for twenty years constitutes an invaluable source of knowledge for research into Poland’s contemporary history, in particular the period of the People’s Poland/PRL and the years of World War II. The INR archival repository, consisting of over 90 thousand linear metres, is usually identified with paper documentation generated by the communist security apparatus. The general public is not aware that the Institute is the owner of many other historical sources, often unique, including phonographic, photographic and film. Among the latter, of exceptional worth is a film of several minutes from 8 March 1947, taken in the Rakowiecka Street prison in Warsaw, which documents the execution procedure of three high-ranking officials of the Third Reich: Maks Daume, Ludwig Fischer and Josef Meissinger. They were responsible for the organisation and perpetration of mass murders against citizens of the Republic of Poland in the years 1939–1944. All three were sentenced to death for their actions by verdict of the Supreme National Tribunal. This film of the executions of German criminals was not however intended for distribution. Contrary to the desire of the initiators, instead of a work capturing the majesty of the law and the power of the state, the shots filmed portrayed a caricatured reflection.

  • Wybrane przykłady źródeł do dziejów diecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej w zasobie archiwalnym Oddziału Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w Szczecinie

    Zbigniew Stanuch

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 147–162

    The article discusses in general the most important archival materials concerning the Catholic Church in the Szczecin Voivodeship. These documents are stored in the Institute of National Remembrance archives in the Szczecin Branch. Until 1972, in the territory of what is now Western Pomerania, an extensive apostolic administration functioned with its seat in Gorzow Wielkopolski; it covered one-seventh of the country and was the largest in Europe. However, as a result of all manner of political turmoil, it had a provisional character. The lack of a canonical, permanent regulation of the status of this ecclesiastical unit burdened both clergy and worshippers up to 1972, when, on the strength of the papal bull Episcoporum Poloniae coetus, the above-mentioned administration was divided into three smaller dioceses: Szczecin-Kamień, Koszalin-Kołobrzeg and Gorzow. The author’s attention was focused mainly on the Szczecin-Kamień diocese. Both the period from 1945–1972 and that from 1972–1990 are reflected in the materials stored in the archives of the INR Branch in Szczecin. Unfortunately, many documents were destroyed, although what remains adds a good deal to our knowledge of the Church’s history in the Recovered Territories.

  • Wybory parlamentarne w 1989 r. w województwie poznańskim w świetle zachowanych akt Służby Bezpieczeństwa

    Łukasz Komorowski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 163–184

    The parliamentary elections of June 1989 are an important turning point in the dissolution process of the communist dictatorship in Poland. One of the more interesting research problems is the role of the Security Service, as it was played out during the pre-election campaign as well as during the course of voting. The article endeavours to describe SB activity in the territory of the Poznan voivodeship during that period. Showing the whole picture is not an easy task because of the deliberate destruction in 1989 and 1990 of materials stored in the WUSW archives in Poznan. Some of the materials generated by the SB in Poznan were preserved in a file from an object surveillance case code-named “Żądło” [Sting], conducted by Division II of MSW Department III, which controlled the activities of citizens’ committees [for political change, active in 1989] all over the country. The materials found – combined with documents stored in other archives – provide answers to at least some of the research questions concerning the specified issue.


  • Życie codzienne internowanych żołnierzy Armii URL w Kaliszu w latach 1921–1924 (według materiałów z archiwów polskich i ukraińskich)

    Maryna Palijenko, Ihor Sribniak

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 185–202

    This article discusses the circumstances and conditions of the stay of interned Ukrainian soldiers in the camp in Kalisz from 1921–1924. Thanks to an extensive search, it was established that in the initial period the internees struggled with serious difficulties in subsistence, caused by a lack of material resources. Despite this, the soldiers tried to promote cultural and educational activities, including the organisation of many didactic groups, both with a military specialisation and also a general educational nature. An important part of everyday life in the camp was the activity of cultural and artistic groups, whose performances contributed to the spiritual unity of the Ukrainian soldiers. The functioning of educational and cultural arms was possible thanks to the aid that came from international charitable organisations as well as donations from Ukrainian benefactors. Thanks to this humanitarian support, the internees were also able to adapt to new living conditions in exile, and some of them, after learning a new occupation, even managed to find work in Poland. Throughout its existence, the Kalisz camp also played the role of a centre of military organisation for the interned Ukrainian oldiers, where the traditions of the UNR Army were nurtured.

  • Henryk Tarło (1898–1937) – aktor i reżyser Teatru Polskiego w Kijowie, ofiara „operacji polskiej” NKWD

    Anatolij Chromow

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 203–212

    The article describes the most important events in the life of Henryk Tarło, a Polish-Ukrainian actor of Jewish origin (5 March 1898 – 17 September 1937). The study focuses particularly on the artist’s work, private life and family ties. In combination with private photographs, identity cards, and trial documentation – collected as part of criminal proceedings – it has been possible to present his fate against the background of the era of communist ideology and the regime of Soviet authorities in the 1930s. Henryk Tarło was one of thousands of victims of the NKVD “Polish operation” during the Great Terror of 1937–1938. His attitude during interrogations is a symbol of steadfastness and honour. He was rehabilitated posthumously in 1989.

  • Działania Milicji Obywatelskiej związane z koncertami zespołu The Rolling Stones w Warszawie 13 kwietnia 1967 r. w świetle dokumentów z Archiwum Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, wspomnień i prasy

    Paweł Tomasik

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 213–244

    On Thursday, 13 April 1967, The Rolling Stones played two concerts in Warsaw. This is an important event in the history of popular music and mass culture in Poland. The article is devoted to the actions taken by the Citizens’ Militia in connection with these concerts and also presents the background, proceedings and consequences of the riots that accompanied the band’s performances. The author used little known documents from the INR Archive, memoirs, press articles, Internet publications, film materials, sound recordings and photographs. The article includes a scanned copy of a memo dated 14 April 1967 from Col. Henryk Słabczyk, commanding officer of the MO in Warsaw, concerning the events described in the text and its translation into English. The events in Warsaw are shown against the background of two other incidents of rioting that occurred in connection with the Stones’ performances in West Berlin (15 September 1965) and Zurich (14 April 1967). Since stories about the first visit of the Rolling Stones to Poland are characterized by the presence of facts, rumours and myths alike, the article also explains the background and presents the reception and contemporary functioning of the famous and oft-repeated story about the band members buying a wagon of Polish vodka with their earnings.

  • Marzec 1968 na Uniwersytecie Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie – przebieg, sankcje i następstwa

    Anna Łosowska

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 245–274

    Information about student demonstrations at the University of Warsaw quickly reached Lublin. The student demonstrations there were short-lived (3–4 days) and were pacified by the intervention of MO and ZOMO forces with the cooperation of workers’ activists. On 9 March, leaflets calling for a rally in support of Warsaw students appeared in dormitories, the nearby Chatka Żaka [academic cultural centre at UMCS] and some educational buildings. After breaking into the premises of the academic radio station, they set it to receive Radio Free Europe. As a result, students were able to listen to a programme about the events in Warsaw. Four people who distributed leaflets calling for the rally were soon arrested. They were punished with large fines (2400–3000 zlotys) with the possibility of that being changed to 60–90 days in jail and the suspension of their student rights. At around 2 p.m. nearly 2,000 people gathered in the area of the dormitories and Chatka Żaka, then a procession was formed, which set off towards the city centre. However, activist workers, supported by a militia platoon from the local garrison, halted the students. During the intervention, several students were beaten, some were detained and two were brought before the penal-administrative collegium in Lublin. They received fines of 2000 PLN each, with the possibility of this being changed to 60 days in jail. Additionally, all the above-mentioned students were suspended from the university. Under pressure from youth organisations, the rector agreed to organise a student rally on the evening of 13 March in the Chatka Żaka. It started at 8 p.m. in the building’s theatre, drawing about 1,500–2,000 students from all the Lublin institutions of higher education. By the end of March, student actions in Lublin had quietened down, although repressive actions against individuals and those most active continued. It is worth noting, however, that no UMCS student was expelled from the university. A visible consequence of the post-March changes was personnel policy. Two academics commuting in from Warsaw, for whom work at UMCS was a second job, did not have their contracts renewed. A large group of lecturers were promoted to the position of reader, although it should be added that most of the so-called “March lecturers” later successfully completed the habilitation process. With the benefit of hindsight, it is becoming increasingly clear that March ’68 was not just a Warsaw event. The street riots spread over many Polish cities, and were attended not only by students, but also by secondary school pupils and young workers. To this collective knowledge should certainly be added the student demonstrations in Lublin, which were a reaction of the genuine solidarity of the academic community against the brutal actions of the authorities towards young people in Warsaw.


  • „Dziennik wojenny 1. pułku piechoty” armii słowackiej (23 sierpnia – 6 września 1939 r.)

    Igor Baka, Dawid Golik

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 275–296

    The involvement of the Slovak army in the aggression against Poland in September 1939 has become the subject of research over the last twenty years by many historians from both Poland and Slovakia. However, not all of the issues surrounding these events have yet been explained, but the key to interpreting many of them lies in documents found in the archives. One of them is the “War diary of the 1st Infantry Regiment” of the Slovak Army. On the eve of the outbreak of war, it was subordinated to the 1st Infantry Division, which together with the 2nd and 3rd Infantry Divisions, and the commonly named “Rapid Group” formed the Slovak Field Army. While the majority of the Slovak units were assigned to secure the rear flank of the German troops about to enter Poland and to protect the Slovak-Polish border, the 1st Infantry Division was ordered to enter the territory of the Second Republic of Poland and to actively support the German offensive on Podhale [Polish highlands] and the Beskid mountains. The fact that the unit was used outside the borders of the Slovak Republic is indisputable, but the circumstances, time and the decision-making procedure to engage it in offensive actions aroused controversy. Some light is shed on these events by the entries in the recovered diary.

  • „Trzeba przeprowadzić faktyczną czystkę”. Raport z inspekcji przeprowadzonej w Komendzie Wojewódzkiej MO w Kielcach z siedzibą w Sandomierzu w styczniu 1945 r.

    Robert Piwko

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 297–318

    The article discusses the factors for the formation of the Sandomierz bridgehead in July and August 1944. It also draws attention to the most important aspects connected with the subsequent brief functioning of the military and civilian administration, less than half a year, in administering a fragment of the pre-war Kielce voivodeship. One of the most important issues connected with installing the communist government on the bridgehead was the establishment of the state security apparatus structures, including the Citizens’ Militia. On the basis of the findings so far and as a result of archival searches, the article outlines the beginnings of the Citizens’ Militia in the Sandomierz bridgehead. The activities of the militia are presented in a document prepared by Major Józef Kratka, an officer of the Citizens’ Militia Headquarters in Lublin. In the first days of January 1945, he carried out a comprehensive inspection of the voivodeship command, together with his companions Stanisław Glinka and Grzegorz Rajewicz. As a result, an extensive report was prepared, discussing the current state of MO functioning in the bridgehead. The document shows the internal structure of the command and the level of organisation of the field commands and posts subordinate to it. It also contains valuable information on the staff and the officers’ place in the ruling system at that time, as well as shedding some light on the problem of the professed everyday reality of the first militia.

  • Czego obawiała się władza? Studium naukowe Akademii Spraw Wewnętrznych z końca 1980 r. na temat ówczesnej sytuacji politycznej w Polsce

    Piotr Hac

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 13 (2020), pages: 319–344

    In October 1980, a group was set up at the Academy of Internal Affairs, which was to assess the current political situation in Poland and work out the procedural methods of the internal affairs department before the possible introduction of a state of emergency. This work continued until the end of November 1980, and resulted in the creation of a top-secret study. In it, the authors presented their stance on the threats posed by the opposition and anticipated procedural methods, as well as the possibilities of action for the ministry’s forces until the introduction of emergency regulations. The whole analysis was presented on the basis of the following assumed variants of the development of the political situation in Poland: co-operation, confrontation and chaos. The publication and discussion of the above-mentioned study is aimed at presenting the perspective of the Ministry of Internal Affairs staff on the situation in the country at that time. The introduction to the document contains basic information concerning measures taken by the authorities in connection with the crisis in the country, on going since August 1980, as well as the possibility of applying a state of emergency in the People’s Republic of Poland.


Punktacja Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki
40 (2024 r.) (70 – w wykazie z 2023 r., 40 - w wykazie z 2021 r.)

Dziedziny: architektura i urbanistyka
Dyscypliny: historia, nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach, nauki o kulturze i religii, etnologia i antropologia kulturowa, polonistyka, stosunki międzynarodowe

Redaktor naczelny: dr Mariusz Żuławnik
Zespół redakcyjny

Licencja CC BY-NC-ND