
No. 18 (2020)


Section: Articles and studies: Security Service 1957-1975

Division II of the Security Services and the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Population, Pro-German Attitudes and Polish-German Relations: A Case Study of Upper Silesia in 1957–1990

Zbigniew Bereszyński


PhD, historian, works at the Silesian Institute in Opole. His research focuses mainly on the social and political history of Opole Silesia and the history of the security apparatus in the People’s Republic of Poland. Author of the monographs NSZZ “Solidarność” i rewolucja solidarnościowa na Śląsku Opolskim 1980–1990, vols 1–2 (Opole, 2014), and Komunistyczny aparat bezpieczeństwa i ludność niemiecka na Górnym Śląsku w latach 1945–1990 (2nd edition, Opole–Gliwice, 2019)

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 18 (2020), pages: 71-97

Publication date: 2023-03-29



One of the most important tasks of the security apparatus in Poland’s Upper Silesia involved combating German identity or pro-German sentiment among the local Silesian population. This effort was predominantly aimed at protecting the European territorial status quo after World War II. Also, or perhaps predominantly, the security apparatus was involved in efforts to safeguard the interests of Communist power, which aspired to maintain complete control over society. This control was seen as a tool for implementing a utopian vision of a society that was fully homogeneous in terms of ideology, politics or ethnicity. This political ambiguity was particularly characteristic of the counterintelligence elements of the Security Services, known as Division II (pion II), tasked with the so-called ‘German issues’. Out of all the structures in the Security Services, that section’s tasks were the most closely aligned with Poland’s national interests. However, it would be a serious mistake to overlook the section’s other tasks, which were predominantly aimed at destroying social liberties and implementing the totalitarian aspirations of Communist power.

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Bereszyński, Z. (2023). Division II of the Security Services and the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Population, Pro-German Attitudes and Polish-German Relations: A Case Study of Upper Silesia in 1957–1990. Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (18), 71–97. https://doi.org/10.48261/ARPRL201804



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No. 18 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles and studies: Security Service 1957-1975