
  • Program dokumentacyjny "Straty osobowe i ofiary represji pod okupacją niemiecką w latach 1939–1945"

    Jakub Deka

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 15-36

    Despite the passage of more than seventy-six years since the end of the Second World War, the extent of German repression and the assessment of irreversible casualties among Polish citizens have not yet been precisely established nor described.

    In the post-war period, several attempts were made to determine casualties. The results of these studies were not entirely reliable. The most frequently mentioned figure of six million victims obscures within itself the victims of the Soviet occupation and does not include national minorities.

    In 2006 the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Institute of National Remembrance initiated the programme "Casualties and Victims of Repression under German Occupation" as a further attempt to determine the approximate number of people repressed by the Third Reich during World War II and is also intended to memorialize them by name. The Karta Centre was the first organiser of the programme; since 2009 it has been the Foundation for Polish-German Reconciliation.

    As part of the programme, a computer database containing categorised information on victims and the repressed, is being created from archival resources, databases of Polish and foreign archives, museums, educational institutions and memorial sites. Important sources of data also include studies and publications, as well as information provided in the form of surveys from families, local researchers and witnesses of events.

    By the end of 2020, the programme’s database contained information on nearly 5.1 million victims and repressed persons – still in development; it is the largest such publicly available collection of this type of data regarding the fate of Polish citizens during World War II in Poland.

  • Kancelaria komend wojewódzkich Milicji Obywatelskiej i wojewódzkich urzędów spraw wewnętrznych w świetle resortowych aktów prawnych

    Tomasz Błaszak

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 37-56

    A creditable assessment of a source document requires among other things, knowledge of its past and the process of its creation or movement between the persons or administrative units influencing its form and content. For this purpose, it is necessary to look at the initial phase of the document’s ‘life cycle’. This article discusses the registry office operating procedures of the Citizens’ Militia headquarters and internal affairs offices in the voivodeships, as well as their legal antecedents throughout the entire period of their activity. Here the discussion concerns instructions for the registry offices as well as norms concerning the handling of documents that were state and official secrets at the time. It then looks at issues related to the registry system, the circulation of documents, and how they are recorded and labelled. The article is also an attempt to answer the questions of whether the registry office evolved over the years, if it was efficient and how it fulfilled its role, and whether, up to the 1975 unification of regulations, there were differences in the registry office work of the two divisions: security and militia.

Zasób archiwalny

  • Wartość źródłowa akt osobowych Polskiej Zjednoczonej Partii Robotniczej na przykładzie zespołu archiwalnego KW PZPR w Bydgoszczy

    Piotr Falkowski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 57-76

    This article discusses the contents of personal files gathered by the Archive of the PZPR Voivodeship Committee in Bydgoszcz and currently stored in the archival fonds ‘Voivodeship Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party in Bydgoszcz’ in the State Archive in Bydgoszcz. On the basis of randomly selected materials, the content of archival units is presented and then an analysis of selected documents is carried out in order to determine what information on a person is provided by the preserved personal documentation of the PZPR.

  • Dywersant (ideologiczny) w rodzinie. Rodzeństwo pisarza i dziennikarza RWE Tadeusza Nowakowskiego (1917–1996) w dokumentach organów bezpieczeństwa PRL

    Piotr Rybarczyk

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 77-110

    This article discusses the actions taken by the PRL security apparatus for more than three decades in regards to the siblings of RFE journalist and émigré writer Tadeusz Nowakowski (1917–1996). The aim of this case study is to present both the perception of the Nowakowski siblings by the "bezpieka" [security service] and the methods and means of operational work employed by them, as well as the impact of those on the everyday life of the family members of one of the leading ‘ideological subversives’. The sources cited allow to some extent the capture of a fragmentary picture of the journalistic environment in the ‘little stabilisation’ years, and within that, an investigation into the motivations of those who informed on the Nowakowskis (especially on Jerzy Nowakowski), as
    well as the latter’s views on the PRL ‘reality’ surrounding them. The source analysis carried out may contribute to further research into the many questions concerning the mechanisms and reasons for the use of specific operational practices by the UB and SB, as well as the strategies used by the PRL security apparatus against family members of persons considered to be enemies of the
    communist system.

  • Komparatystyka jako wyzwanie i szansa dla edytora źródeł – projekt wydawniczy Raporty polskie Stasi 1981–1989

    Tytus Jaskułowski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 109–120

    In June 2020, the first volume of the publishing series of the Szczecin branch of the INR entitled ‘Polish Stasi Reports’ was published. This text discusses the most important elements leading to the initiation of the said series, as well as the key problems related to the preparation of individual volumes. These included the provenance of the files, differences in their compilation, accessibility, and above all a dissimilar philosophy in the realization of the accountability process for the communist past of the People’s Republic of Poland and former East Germany. The aim of this edition was not only to bring unknown sources on PRL history closer to the Polish reader, but also to change the paradigm in the approach to published documents. These were not meant to deal with strictly operational issues, but to answer the question regarding the state of the knowledge and recommendations that the Stasi analytical cells passed on to the GDR political leadership in the context of what was happening in the final decade of the People’s Poland.

Archiwa na świecie

  • Zasób Archiwum Instytutu Piłsudskiego w Ameryce i możliwości jego wykorzystania

    Iwona Drąg-Korga

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 121–134

    This article describes the holdings of the Józef Piłsudski Institute Archive in the USA and the possibilities for their use. First, there is a general discussion of the most important fonds, their provenance, span dates and size. Next described is the so-called Belvedere Archive, rescued during the September Campaign of 1939, and its journey to the USA. Attention is drawn to the fonds: ‘The General Adjutancy of the Commander-in-Chief’, ‘Files of General Tadeusz Rozwadowski, Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Army’ and ‘Silesian Uprisings’, as well as Polish collections, such as the fonds: ‘National Defence Committee’. Additionally, undertakings connected with the modernisation of the Institute’s archives are discussed, including the most important project of the digitalisation of its holdings. There is also information concerning the use of the website and the materials contained therein. The rules of use are outlined and examples are given of topics compiled by researchers in the Institute’s reading rooms. At the end of the article are examples of book publications which use documents from the IJPA Archive


  • Sprawa Brunona Bystrzyńskiego w świetle dokumentów „operacji polskiej” NKWD NKWD w Gruzji (1937–1938)

    Stanisław Koller

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 135–170

    . Abstract More than 140,000 Poles were executed in the ‘Polish operation’ launched on 11 August 1937 by Nikolai Yezhov’s order 00485. One of the victims of this NKVD operation was Bruno Bystrzyński, arrested on 3 September 1937 in Tbilisi, who was accused of belonging to the ‘Polish Military Organisation’ and Polish intelligence, running a rezydentura [intelligence station] and a safe house, and engaging in espionage and counter-revolutionary activity as well as subversion and sabotage and demolition with the aim of weakening the USSR, overthrowing Soviet power and helping Poland to seize the Ukraine. Preserved in the Ministry of Internal Affairs Archive of Georgia, the files of his investigative case, no. 10209, contain numerous documents, including: information, official request forms, arrest warrant, search warrant, property seizure order, interrogation reports, confrontation protocols [documents resulting from the confrontation of two suspects and resulting contradictions in their statements], indictment, Troika report and other materials produced in the case. The investigation process is presented on the basis of these, and its biased narratives, numerous inaccuracies and absurdities are pointed out. What emerges from them is both a picture of the documentation created in the investigative cases and inquiries of that period, as well as the characteristic mechanism of the NKVD authorities in conducting a biased investigation, which resulted in the fabrication of a charge against Bruno Bystrzyński and his conviction and execution on 14 January 1938 for acts he had allegedly committed

  • Obsada stanowisk kierowniczych w Sztabie Komendantury niemieckiego obozu koncentracyjnego Stutthof w latach 1942–1945

    Aleksander Lasik

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 171–242

    Since the end of the Second World War and the liberation and liquidation of the German Nazi concentration camps (Konzentrationslager, KL) that existed from 1933 to 1945, numerous studies have been conducted, tens of thousands of scholarly articles have been published on the subject, but yet we can still find many gaps in the research. This publication aims at filling one of those and expanding the knowledge of German KL Stutthof, which is not so well known in international historiography. The subject of this study is the operation of KL Stutthof from 7 January 1942 to 4 April 1945, i.e. during the period when it was an autonomous unit of the Inspectorate of Concentration Camps in Oranienburg. The text published here chiefly discusses the issue of SS elites who held important positions in the administrative structure of KL Stutthof. The article thus to some extent fulfils the function of a lexicon – which, it must be regretfully admitted – is still lacking in the historical literature.

  • Organizacja wywiadu Związku Walki Zbrojnej – Armii Krajowej na Pomorzu podczas okupacji niemieckiej. Próba analizy

    Bogdan Chrzanowski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 243–284

    During World War II, intelligence activity in Pomerania was one of the most important forms of fighting the enemy. It was conducted under the very difficult conditions of occupational terror, which had a fundamental influence on the scope and forms of activity of particular intelligence divisions. There were many munitions industry plants in Pomerania, including naval production in its northern regions. These facilities were subject to systematic observation conducted by the central long-range offensive intelligence network, crypt. ‘Stragan’ [Market Stall], and later ‘Lombard’ [Pawnshop] of the Branch Offensive Intelligence of the Department II of the Main Headquarters of the Union for Armed Struggle – the Home Army, as well as ZWZ-AK intelligence in the Pomeranian District. The ZWZ-AK information and intelligence service had a well-developed apparatus covering not only the territory of occupied Poland, but also other occupied countries, as well as the Reich, Austria and countries sympathetic to Germany. The intelligence information collected was sent to the Bureau of Military Studies and the Bureau of Industrial Intelligence Studies, where it was subjected to verification. These materials were then passed on to Branch II of the Commander-in-Chief’s Staff in London, and made available to the British. The ZWZ-AK intelligence work was thus carried out on the basis of guidelines drawn up by the C-in-C Staff in London, which in turn carried out tasks requested by British intelligence. Reports covering the area from Hamburg through Szczecin, Gdynia and Gdansk, up to Konigsberg and Riga constituted a large percentage of the reconnaissance and were extremely useful to the Allies. As a result, the British attached great importance and value to them. The work of the underground continued after the end of the German occupation, but this time against Soviet occupation and later subjugation.

  • Relacje ks. Tadeusza Dajczera z SB. Przypadek współpracy agenturalnej rozpoczętej z powodu szantażu paszportowego

    Rafał Łatka

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 285–316

    This article takes a closer look at the progression of Fr Tadeusz Dajczer’s cooperation with the PRL security apparatus. It complements the biography of the Warsaw cleric and discusses previously unknown facts from his life. The text analyses the evolution of the priest’s recruitment, which could have been clinched as the result of passport blackmail. Decisive in this respect proved to be the reading of Fr Dajczer’s intentions – he desired to go to Rome at any cost. Cooperation during his time of study in the Eternal City was not particularly effective, although MSW Department I did obtain information from the priest throughout that period. After his return to Poland, the priest did not refuse continued contact with the SB, the effect of which resulted in his conversations with officers of MSW Department IV. Father Dajczer gave them, among other things, information on the academic staff of ATK [Catholic Academy of Theology], including Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski’s secretaries, Fr Józef Glemp and Fr Bronisław Piasecki. It might have seemed to the Warsaw priest that he was just playing a ‘little game’ with the SB, but the victims were the people he informed on. The fact that Fr Dajczer was convinced that he was giving the ‘bezpieka’ general and easily accessible information, does not change the fact that he harmed the people he talked about. The point that his cooperation with the SB was long-term also speaks against the priest. His contacts with the SB lasted (with interruptions) twenty-one years, and the period of cooperation recorded amounted to sixteen years.


  • Wojenne losy małoletniego Henryka Ząbka jako przykład dokumentów przechowywanych w Archiwum IPN, dotyczących osób deportowanych do pracy przymusowej w III Rzeszy

    Dawid Chomej, Janusz Piwowar

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 317–330

    This article discusses the fate of Henryk Ząbek, an adolescent who was sent from Pułtusk to forced labour in Berlin during the Second World War. Arrested for anti-German statements in a letter to a colleague, he was interrogated by the Gestapo and then survived the hell of German prisons and the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Included in this article are translated source materials from the IPN archival repository that have not been previously published. Particularly noteworthy is a letter from Ząbek, which survived only in a German translation. It contains a unique description of the political situation and social mood in Berlin from the perspective of a forced labourer.

  • Rzeczywistość sowieckich obozów we wspomnieniach Stefana Nowaczka – żołnierza Nowogródzkiego Okręgu AK

    Diana Maksimiu

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 331–354

    These published memoirs come from the holdings of the INR Branch Archive in Bialystok. They are one of many sources preserved which deal with the tragic fate of Poles who experienced the repression of Stalin’s apparatus of terror during the last years of World War II and after its end. The author is Stefan Nowaczek, a.k.a. ‘Rybak’ [Fisherman] – a soldier of the AK Nowogródek District and a State Police officer in the Vilnius region before the war. In the summer of 1944, after Vilnius had been occupied by the Soviets, he and his comrades-in-arms were arrested and imprisoned in the NKVD transit camp in Miedniki Królewskie, and then transported to Kaluga and conscripted into the 361st reserve infantry regiment of the Red Army. In 1945 – having already been formally arrested and imprisoned in Moscow, he was sentenced to ten years in a prison camp. He served his time in camps in Ukhta and Balchash. He returned to Poland during the 1955 ‘thaw’ and lived with his family in Gdansk. For standing up for the truth about Soviet repressions, he was under surveillance by PRL security organs until the end of his life.

  • Misja kuriera i emisariusza „Michała Buki” – kaprala Wiktora Strzeleckiego do Delegatury Rządu na Kraj

    Krzysztof A. Tochman

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 14 (2021), pages: 355–386

    This article about Wiktor Strzelecki, a.k.a. Michał Buka, an exemplary political courier (paratrooper) from Budapest, Paris and London to the authorities of the Polish Underground State, is the first endeavour to present an outline of his biography. Strzelecki had volunteered in the PolishBolshevik War, as well as taking part in the defence of Warsaw in 1939. Linked to the Socialist underground, from October 1939 onwards, he served as a courier and emissary for the Polish government. During his missions, he familiarised the authorities of the Polish underground with the alignment of forces in exile and the foreign policy pursued, and the Polish Government with the political situation of the underground leadership, in particular among the various socialist groups. He submitted reports on every mission he carried out; unfortunately, very few of these have survived. One of these reports is included in this article.

Recenzje i omówienia


Punktacja Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki
40 (2024 r.) (70 – w wykazie z 2023 r., 40 - w wykazie z 2021 r.)

Dziedziny: architektura i urbanistyka
Dyscypliny: historia, nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach, nauki o kulturze i religii, etnologia i antropologia kulturowa, polonistyka, stosunki międzynarodowe

Redaktor naczelny: dr Mariusz Żuławnik
Zespół redakcyjny

Licencja CC BY-NC-ND