Conferences and discussions

Annual scientific conferences are organized under the auspices of the editorial board. The speeches of the speakers form the basis for the preparation of the thematic sections of the journal in the following year.


June 6–7, 2024 - Lublin – International Scientific Conference „The apparatus of repression – the executive body in the Soviet system – history and research perspectives”.

Information about the Conferrence

May 18-19, 2023 - Krakow - Nationwide Scientific Conference "Behind the scenes of the security service. UB-SB auxiliary units against the background of the daily functioning of the repressive apparatus of the People's Republic of Poland (1944-1990)".

Conference program and report

May 26-27, 2022 - Krakow - Nationwide Scholarly Conference "In the web of dependence. Relations of the Security Office/Service with other institutions of "people's" Poland and the secret services of the Soviet bloc countries".

Conferrence program and report

May 27, 2021 - Krakow - Nationwide Scientific Conference "Security Service in 1975-1990".

Conference program and report

Discussion around No. 20 (2022) of the annual „Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944–1989”

Participans: dr Witold Bagieński, dr hab. Władysław Bułhak, dr hab. Mariusz Krzysztofiński, dr hab. Cecylia Kuta. Chairing: dr Grzegorz Wołk

Discussion around No. 18 (2020) of the annual „Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944–1989”

Participants: dr hab. Władysław Bułhak, dr Piotr Chmielowiec, dr hab. Adam Dziurok, dr hab. Filip Musiał, dr Paweł Skubisz. Chairing: Rafał Dudkiewicz


Ministry of Education and Science evaluation points:
40 (2024)

Research areas: humanities
Disciplines: history, security studies, political science and public administration

Editor-in-chief: Dr. habil. Filip Musiał 

Editorial Team

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