The Jedlicze Refinery Protection Department (1951-1955)
Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(17) (2019), pages: 31-59
Publication date: 2023-03-28
This article presents the activities of the Security Office unit functioning in the Jedlicze Refinery between 1951–1955, namely the Protection Department. Its structure, profiles of managers, main tasks and directions of operational activities are presented. The article also contains short biographies of Protection Department officers, description of repression activities towards the refinery personnel. These include the list of conducted cases and agent numbers. The publication is supplemented with photographs of officers, the building of the refinery HQ and refinery equipment, as well as the list of officers employed in the Security Office of the Protection Department between 1951–1955.
Protection Department • refinery • Jedlicze • petroleum • oil Referat Ochrony • rafineria • Jedlicze • nafta • ropa naftowa
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