
N. 1 (2020)


Section: Studia

Polish Diplomatic and Consular Representation in Havana, and the Case of Jewish Refugees in Cuba During the World War II

Alicja Gontarek


Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej

Polish-Jewish Studies, N. 1 (2020), pages: 464-499

Publication date: 2023-06-20



The article describes the activities of the Polish diplomatic and consular representations in Havana regarding the issue of the Jewish refugees who found themselves in Cuba during the World War II. It also concerns the role played by this mission, together with the Polish Government-in-Exile and the Legations of the Republic of Poland in Bern, Lisbon and Madrid, among others, during the operation of acquiring/confirming Cuban and Dominican passports for Jewish refugees residing in Europe and the Far East. First, the organisational status of the Polish diplomacy in this region is presented and the groups of Jewish refugees were characterised, emphasising the attempts to activate them socially and politically by the Polish representation. This serves as an introduction to the description of the multilevel activities of the Polish mission, which in wartime conditions was primarily focused on intensifying formal and legal activities aimed at guaranteeing diplomatic protection for the Jews residing in Cuba; undertaking diplomatic interventions; clarifying the issue of direct care over Polish groups, and acquiring new passports for the Jews who were facing death in occupied territories. Hundreds of Jews were rescued thanks to the commitment of Polish diplomacy and its cooperation with the JDC and Great Britain. The consulate and legation in Havana were the last link in the complicated and multistage evacuation of Jews from occupied Western Europe. The aim of this wide-ranging operation was to rescue as many Jews from the Old Continent as possible.

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N. 1 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Studia