
No. 1(16) (2018)


Section: Crime and Punishment

The internal control apparatus fighting crime in the Citizens' Militia (1945–1990)

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(16) (2018), pages: 219-242

Publication date: 2023-03-28


In the years between 1944–1955 the Citizens’ Militias officers were responsible to military courts for crimes committed. On 1st May 1955, the law requiring the transfer of all criminal cases against MO officers to common courts came into force. Such a legal status lasted until the Civil Militia was dissolved, until 1990. The exception was the period of martial law (1981–1983), when the militiamen were again subject to the jurisdiction of military courts. The special divisions of Ministry of Public Security and Citizens’ Militia has dealt with the crime prevention among MO officers. The last of them was the Management of the Protection of Officers, appointed in 1985 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which operated until 1990.


No. 1(16) (2018)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Crime and Punishment