
No. 1(12) (2014)


Section: Articles

The June 1989 Elections in Brzozów and the Brzozów Area in he Reports of the Security Service

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(12) (2014), pages: 271-299

Publication date: 2023-03-28


The article presents the course of the first partially free elections since the end of Second World War to the „Sejm kontraktowy” and the PRL Senate of 4 and 18 June 1989 in the „Brzozów” area, a part of electoral district no. 51, covering Krosno province as it existed in the years 1975–1998. The documents of the Communist Security Service demonstrate the secret actions of the Security Service against the activists of the „Solidarność” („Soldiarity”) Independent Self-Governing Trade Union, election civic committee members, opposition candidates to the Sejm and the Senate, as well as Catholic priests. The Security Service (SS) action related to the elections at the level of the Krosno province was conducted by Division III of the  Security Service of the Provincial Office of Internal Affairs in Krosno, while in the Brzozów region this was conducted by its subordinate, Group III of the Security Service of the Regional Office of Internal Affairs. From April to August 1989, under the group-oriented surveillance case codenamed „Election ‘89”, use was made of all the available Brzozów SS network, numbering 58 personal sources of information, the officers of the local SS Department and the Citizens’ Militia, as well as its auxiliary units. The publication includes fragments of secret SS documents, such as plans for operational projects, cryptography, reports and information from secret collaborators, as well as the results of the first and second round of elections in selected municipalities
of the Brzozów area.

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No. 1(12) (2014)


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Dział: Articles