
No. 1(15) (2017)


Section: Departmental and non-departmental training

Training of the officers of the provincial security and public order apparatus of the People's Republic of Poland on the example of the Voivodeship Headquarters of the MO in Bydgoszcz between 1956–1980

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(15) (2017), pages: 193-318

Publication date: 2023-03-28


The article describes the organisation of the system and process of training of the officers of the Voivodeship security apparatus and public order(based on the example of Bydgoszcz Voivodeship) between 1956–1989. Changes in the spectrum of structural organization related to training were tracked, as well as the methods and the choice of subjects of the course. The basic source of materials for this article are archives created by the training apparatus and political and educations part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MSW) (e.g. normative and reporting documentation) also archives of the Citizens’ Militia party organization at the Voivodeship Committee in Bydgoszcz. The article is accompanied by three tabular annexes containing staffing of positions/training units in cultural-educational and political-educational sectors at KW MO/WUSW in Bydgoszcz and in the field units of MO in the Bydgoszcz Voivodeship between 1956–1990 also annex containing training courses conducted by the Voivodeship Training Centre for Privates of MO/Voivodeship Training centre for Officers of MO by the KW MO/WUSW in Bydgoszcz between 1957–1986, lastly a list of officers sent to work at political and educational positions in the Managing Regiment at KW MO in Bydgoszcz at the time when martial law was imposed.

Rybarczyk, P. (2023). Training of the officers of the provincial security and public order apparatus of the People’s Republic of Poland on the example of the Voivodeship Headquarters of the MO in Bydgoszcz between 1956–1980. Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (1(15), 193–318. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/arpl/article/view/1573



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No. 1(15) (2017)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Departmental and non-departmental training