
No. 1(14) (2016)


Section: Articles

Persecutor or victim? The case of the Jewish "the Translator"

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(14) (2016), pages: 459-474

Publication date: 2023-03-28


Lustration act 1992 sparked public debate. Sought to answer the question how the materials collected by the Security Service are reliable, which testimonies, denunciations are the result of pressures, which came from fulfilling the civic duty; who should get the status of victim, and who to consider as a secret co-worker. One of the controversial figure is Tanencapf Mendel, director of the Jewish school in Legnica and local activist of the Socio-Cultural Society of Jews. After Looking through his case and reading the quote below we get the view that we are dealing with one of the victims of the totalitarian system „under surveillance periodically in the framework of the case object »Association« […] During the inspection, it was found that he is negatively disposed toward the People’s Republic of Poland. He shows a pro-Israel tendency […]. Invigilated person got registration questionnaire […], in order to carry out systematic surveillance operations, because as a member of the Board TSKŻ in Legnica he was able to use this association to promote the views of Zionism and anti-socialism”. Further analysis of the source material, however, makes this assumption weaker. In August of 1972 Mendel Tanencapf sent to the Chairman of the State Security Committee of the USSR in Moscow a letter in which he asks for a certificate confirming he's collaboration with the NKVD... The question whether we are dealing with victims or the informer appears to have no clear answer.


No. 1(14) (2016)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles