
No. 18 (2020)


Section: Articles and comparative studies: Apparatuses of Repression in Other Communist and Totalitarian Countries

Some Aspects of the Cooperation between the Hungarian and Soviet Intelligence Services

Magdolna Baráth


Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security, Budapest

(b. 1964), PhD, is an international relations advisor in the Historical Archives of Hungarian State Security, member of the editorial board of the Hungarian historical journal Múltunk. She received her PhD in philosophy and history in 2012. In 1987–1998, she was an archivist at the Institute of History of Politics in Budapest, then from 1998 to April 2017, she was head of the department in the Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security. Her research interests include the history of Hungary after World War II, the Hungarian-Soviet relationships after 1945, and the activities of Hungarian Security Services/Hungarian Intelligence towards Hungarian émigrés

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 18 (2020), pages: 431-446

Publication date: 2023-03-29



In the spring of 1950, the Soviet government forbade intelligence work against the so-called people’s democratic countries. Simultaneously, on 17 April 1950, the Politburo of the CPSU decided to create links between the intelligence services of the Soviet Union and the socialist countries in order to help them in the intelligence against the Western states and “Tito’s clique” and to create Soviet political intelligence representation in these countries. In Hungary the ways and methods of the cooperation were worked out in May 1950 and the first group of Soviet advisors also arrived. In the first period the cooperation meant the exchange of intelligence information, later it included also advice on structural and technical questions, using the intelligence opportunities of the partners, and joint actions.

Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára (Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security – ÁBTL), Budapest

Государственный архив Российской Федерации (State Archive of the Russian Federation – GARF), Moscow

Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár (National Archives of Hungary – MNL OL), Budapest

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No. 18 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles and comparative studies: Apparatuses of Repression in Other Communist and Totalitarian Countries