
No. 20 (2022)


Section: Materials and documents

Example of the Exchange of Information between the Ministry of the Interior of the Hungarian People’s Republic and the Ministry of State Security of the GDR in the Field of Defence against Ideological Diversion

Bogusław Wójcik


Oddziałowe Biuro Badań Historycznych IPN w Rzeszowie

(b. 1967), PhD in humanities, chief specialist at the Branch Historical Research Office of the Institute of National Remembrance in Rzeszów, lecturer at the Małopolska School of Economics in Tarnów. He
published, among other things: Młodzież antysystemowa w Polsce południowo-wschodniej w latach 1957–1989 [Anti-System Youth in South-Eastern Poland in the Years 1957–1989] (2016); Represje aparatu komunistycznego wobec PSL na Rzeszowszczyźnie w latach 1945–1949 [Repressions of the Communist Apparatus Against the Polish People’s Party in the Rzeszów Region in the Years 1945–1949] (2010); Niepodległościowe organizacje młodzieżowe na Rzeszowszczyźnie w latach 1944–1956 – w świetle dokumentów [Proindependence Youth Organisations in the Rzeszów Region in the Years 1944–
1956 – in Light of Documents] (2009)

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 20 (2022), pages: 745-764

Publication date: 2023-03-29



Cooperation between the intelligence structures of the socialist states involved in examining the activities of so-called centres of ideological diversion and neutralising them has taken on a new formalised character since the mid-1970s. The documents presented indicate an exchange of information in this regard between the Ministry of State Security of the German Democratic Republic and the Ministry of the Interior of the Hungarian People’s Republic. One of them identifies the Centre for the Study of Religion and Communism, commonly referred to as Keston College, as an anti-communist church organisation with the “greatest significance” in Anglo-Saxon countries. The centre was established in 1969 in the UK on the initiative of Michael Bourdeaux, Sir John Lawrence, Leonard Schapiro and Peter Reddaway. Through their information services, periodicals, expert opinions and book publications, as well as conferences and meetings, the staff and associates of Keston College influenced a change in the awareness of Western societies about religious freedom in the USSR and its satellite countries, and supported the activities of dissident groups emerging there. The presentation of the “voice of the voiceless” as part of these activities influenced not only the reassessment of the situation of communities living behind the Iron Curtain but also the expansion of the sphere of civil liberties in the realities of the functioning of communist states.

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Wójcik, B. (2023). Example of the Exchange of Information between the Ministry of the Interior of the Hungarian People’s Republic and the Ministry of State Security of the GDR in the Field of Defence against Ideological Diversion. Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (20), 745–764. https://doi.org/10.48261/arprl222024



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No. 20 (2022)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Materials and documents