
No. 19 (2021)


Section: Materials and documents

Maksymilian Jarosz, Memoirs of the Poznań Uprising – June 1956

Mirosław Surdej


Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Oddział w Rzeszowie

(b. 1982), PhD in humanities, historian, specialist at the Institute of National Remembrance (Historical Research Office) in Rzeszów. His research interests focus on the Polish Underground State and the anti-
-communist independence underground. The author of, among others, the monograph Okręg Rzeszowski Narodowej Organizacji Wojskowej – Narodowego Zjednoczenia Wojskowego w latach 1944–1947 [Rzeszów District of the National Military Organization – National Military Union in 1944–1947] (Rzeszów–Warsaw, 2018)

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 19 (2021), pages: 919-939

Publication date: 2023-03-29



The memoirs of Maksymilian Jarosz constitute a rare source of knowledge on the course of the pacification action during the Poznań June 1956 Uprising. We observe the events from the perspective of a tank driver-mechanic that was forced to participate in actions against the insurgents. From the memoirs of Maksymilian Jarosz emerges a picture of the chaos that arose in Poznań and the lack of organisation and coordination of the communists’ actions, clearly surprised by the strength and development of the social revolt. An important aspect of the memoirs is the possibility to learn about the state of morale of the Polish Army soldiers and their attitude towards the protesting and striking inhabitants of Poznań. These memoirs may be of use to the researchers of the Poznań June 1956 as the source supplementing the information contained in documents and other accounts.

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No. 19 (2021)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Materials and documents