
No. 19 (2021)


Section: Articles and studies: Varia

Commanding Offices of the Department of Security in Legnica in 1945–1956

Artur Zieliński



(b. 1970), MA in history, teacher in the Primary School No. 11 in Cracow. His research interest focuses on military history. Author of the article ‘Rola KBW i WP w Wydarzeniach Czerwcowych w 1956 r.’, included in the peer-reviewed multi-author monograph Człowiek a historia, ed. by Błażej Cecota and Anna Sęderecka, vol. 6, Piotrków Trybunalski, 2021

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 19 (2021), pages: 525-551

Publication date: 2023-03-29



The District Department of Security in Legnica was formed in May 1945. The structures of the unit were created as part of the so-called Operational Groups for the Lower Silesia region. For eleven years, from May 1945 to 1956, the Department of Security in Legnica was headed by nine functionaries. Their personal files show that they did not possess adequate competences to run affairs or manage people. They were poorly educated people. They often committed various misdemeanours or crimes. However, this did not bother their superiors and despite these shortcomings they decided to promote them to higher and more responsible positions in security service.

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Twarze dolnośląskiej bezpieki. Obsada kierowniczych stanowisk Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa i Służby Bezpieczeństwa na Dolnym Śląsku 1945–1990,

red. P. Piotrowski, K. Szwagrzyk, W. Trębacz, Wrocław 2010

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No. 19 (2021)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles and studies: Varia