From Yalta to Potsdam. Soviet Special Services and the Establishment of the Provisional Government of National Unity in Poland (TRJN)
Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 18 (2020), pages: 459-480
Publication date: 2023-03-29
The Polish question was one of the main reasons of disputes between the Soviet Union and Western Powers, the United States and Great Britain, in the final phase of World War II. The problem of which government should exercise power in Poland had absorbed the attention of the Big Three since the Yalta Conference (4–11 February 1945) to the end of June 1945 and became one of the first signs of the collapse of the coalition of Western Powers and the Soviet Union. Throughout this time, British and American intelligence services played an unequal game with the Soviet security apparatus. Soviet intelligence successfully penetrated the US and UK diplomatic services. The decisive factor in Stalin’s success, however, was not intelligence, which came mainly from agents such as Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess and Kim Philby, but the fact that the territory of Poland was seized by the Red Army and the Communist government was established there, supported by the Soviet security apparatus. Great Britain and the United States had limited possibilities to influence the situation in Poland. This country, like the rest of Eastern Europe, was not in area of their strategic interests. Moreover, the Anglo-Saxon Powers made before 1945 a number of diplomatic mistakes that made it easier for the Soviet Union to include Poland in the Communist sphere of influence for over four decades.
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