
No. 18 (2020)


Section: Articles and comparative studies: Apparatuses of Repression in Other Communist and Totalitarian Countries

Defining the Ideological 'Enemy': The KGB’s Reports on 'Trends in the Tactics of the Enemy for Conducting Ideological Subversion', 1974–1988

Douglas Selvage


Humboldt University, Berlin

PhD, is a senior research associate (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Institute for History at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Until 2019, he served as Project Director in the former research division in the agency of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Records (BStU). He has widely published about relations between the KGB and Stasi, Soviet-bloc active measures, Polish-German relations, and the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE)

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 18 (2020), pages: 389-403

Publication date: 2023-03-29



Beginning in 1974, the Soviet Committee for State Security (KGB) began sending the other Soviet-bloc security services annual or semi-annual reports entitled "Trends in the Tactics of the Enemy for Conducting Ideological Subversion against the USSR". The reports focused on real and alleged efforts of the United States, as well as China, Islamic countries and foreign organisations, to encourage political opposition inside the Soviet Union. The reports, in conjunction with the triennial meetings of the divisions of the Soviet-bloc security services responsible for combatting "ideological subversion", served to mobilise these "fraternal organs" against increased foreign influence and contacts in the wake of the East-West détente of the 1970s. They also signalled areas in which the KGB would seek assistance from its allied security services. The article analyses the evolving content of the reports and the reaction of the Soviet-bloc security services to them based on the example of the East German Stasi.

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Selvage, D. (2023). Defining the Ideological ’Enemy’: The KGB’s Reports on ’Trends in the Tactics of the Enemy for Conducting Ideological Subversion’, 1974–1988. Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (18), 389–403. https://doi.org/10.48261/ARPRL201812



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No. 18 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles and comparative studies: Apparatuses of Repression in Other Communist and Totalitarian Countries