
No. 1(16) (2018)


Section: Crime and Punishment

"Hanging head down, after gaging the mouth was sprayed with water or vinigar". Cases of the ex-officers of Public Security (PUBP) in Wieluń, accused and convicted of communist crimes committed by 1945 and 1953

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(16) (2018), pages: 101-152

Publication date: 2023-03-28


This elaboration is about the unknown operational aspects of the repression apparatus in the province of Wieluń in the 1940’s. The main victims of the officers were soldiers of the underground independent movement. The victims were arrested, imprisoned in the PUBP building at Kiliński Street in Wieluń, on charges of belonging to the Polish Underground Army or by helping this anti-communist organization. During the interrogations they were beaten with fists, rubber and wooden sticks. The torture used was, among others, tying the interrogated and hanging upside down, after gagging the mouth with nasal flooding with water or vinegar, which caused strangling, loss of consciousness or death. Some soldiers were murdered during the interrogation and secretly buried in an unknown place. In the presented synthesis all of the investigation after 1990 against the officers of Security Office who used abused the interrogators were used. Despite the fact that former UB officers did not admit to the accused acts, the prosecutor’s office presented them with accusations and after court proceedings they were sentenced by valid sentences. Article is based on the results of the current investigation, mainly in found in the polish archives, including the Provincial Court in Wieluń, 4th Penal Department, documentation created by The Internal Security Corps, Provincial Office of Public Security and District Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation in Łódź – Institute of National Remembrance. The analysed subject was not discussed in the subject literature.

Jasiak, K. (2023). "Hanging head down, after gaging the mouth was sprayed with water or vinigar". Cases of the ex-officers of Public Security (PUBP) in Wieluń, accused and convicted of communist crimes committed by 1945 and 1953. Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (1(16), 101–152. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/arpl/article/view/1604



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No. 1(16) (2018)


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Dział: Crime and Punishment