
No. 1(13) (2015)


Section: Structures

The Mazovian Unit of Internal Security Corps (1945–1948). Organisation, structure, functioning

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(13) (2015), pages: 167-192

Publication date: 2023-03-28


The subject matter of the article encompasses the organising and functioning of the Mazovian units of the Internal Security Corps (KBW) in the years 1945–1948. The organisational issues are presented in chronological order, from unit establishment until the last transformations in 1948. The paper describes the transitions to which it was subject, as well as issues concerning its facilities and staff that occurred at the time of its formation. It presents the structure of the highest command of the unit, both in terms of nationality and military affiliation (Polish Army, Red Army). Moreover, it touches upon a topic related to the activities and tasks of the political education apparatus, both internal and external. The aspects of the unit’s operation are depicted in a thematic format. The study concerns the issues of recruitment, training, equipment, boarding, discipline and living conditions of soldiers.


No. 1(13) (2015)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Structures