
No. 1(13) (2015)


Section: Historiography

The state of the research into the history of the communist apparatus of repression in 2000–2013

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(13) (2015), pages: 11-143

Publication date: 2023-03-28


The article presents the summary of research from the years 2000–2013 into the history of the general communist apparatus of repression, with its division into source materials, memoirs and studies. The paper gathers general publications connected with the activities of the apparatus of repression, as well as those concerning the cooperation between the Polish and the Soviet apparatus of repression; Security Office (UB) activities against the independence underground, political opposition and signs of social resistance in the years 1944–1956; Security Service (SB) actions against political opposition and signs of social resistance in the years 1956–1989/1990; UB-SB joint actions against Churches and other religious associations; US-SB actions against emigration; UB-SB actions against national and ethnic minorities; UB-SB human resources and structures; methods, forms and measures used by the US-SB; judicial and judiciary offences of the „People’s Poland”; the prison system of the „People’s Poland”; military structures of the  apparatus of repression; as well as issues related to source studies and research methodologies applied to the repression apparatus.

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No. 1(13) (2015)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Historiography