„Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989” („Apparatus of Repression in People's Poland 1944-1989”) is an academic yearly journal aiming at deepening and propagating research on the Communist repression apparatus in so called “People’s Poland”: Department of Public Security of the Polish National Liberation Committee (Resort Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego PKWN) 1944, Ministry of Public Security (Ministerstwo Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego), 1945-1954, Committee for Public Security (Komitet ds. Bezpieczeństwa Publicznego) 1954-1956, Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych) 1956-1990, military and border protection special services, penitentiary services, Citizens’ Militia (Milicja Obywatelska), judiciary and prosecution services as well as paramilitary units.
„Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989” is a historical periodical for the representatives of humanities and social sciences dealing with the abovementioned themes.
The periodical publishes original research papers, research review papers, reviews, book overviews, source documents and biographical papers.
„Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989” is indexed in scientific journal databases:
ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus International, BazHum, Biblioteka Nauki i Polska Bibliografia Naukowa.
Open access policy
The copyright for the contents of the periodical belongs to the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of the Crimes against the Polish Nation.
The papers are published online in the open access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.
The electronic versions of the papers are published online when the relevant files are available, however not earlier than completion of the issue contents.
Repository policy
The periodical’s Editorial Board stores the manuscripts submitted and processed in its own documentation repository accessible for the editorial aims and for editorial team only.
The published papers are stored as separate records on periodical’s website https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/arpl/issue/archive and in the cooperating repositories BazHum, Biblioteka Nauki, ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus International i Polska Bibliografia Naukowa.
The editorial board allows authors to use of the final published version of a paper (PDF) for self-archiving (author's personal website, academic website or on profiles in the academic platforms like Academia or Research Gate) and/or archiving in an institutional repository (on a non-profit server). The bibliographical description, link to the publisher’s website or DOI identifier must be included in the description of the paper.