Information for authors

1. All texts should be sent in electronic form to the editorial team’s postal or electronic address:
2. Articles are accepted in Polish and English. Submission of an article prepared in another language should be agreed with the editors.
3. The text submitted to the editors should not have been previously published anywhere or submitted to the editorial offices of other periodicals or monographs. [INRR version:]
4. Authors who are employees of the Institute of National Remembrance prepare their texts as part of their official duties. The IPN Publishing House will conclude gratuitous contracts with authors from outside the Institute who propose the publication of texts not commissioned by the IPN.
5. The submitted article is assessed and reviewed – detailed information on this subject can be found in the “Review procedure” section on the periodical’s website.
6. The text should contain no more than 120 thousand typographic characters, including spaces. The editors reserve the right to make abbreviations in the text (in consultation with the author) and adapt source references to the uniform format used throughout the periodical.
7. The text should be accompanied by:
a) notes about the author(s) along with their current academic affiliation, written in Polish and English (max. 500 characters). The following information must be provided: year of birth, profession, academic title, primary place of work, research interests, most important publications, current e-mail address, academic ID(s) used by the author(s) (ORCID, Scopus ID, Researcher ID, etc.);
b) title of the text in English;
c) abstract (summary) in Polish and English (max. 1000-1500 characters, including spaces);
d) keywords in Polish and English (between 5 and 10), separated by commas. Each keyword should appear in the summary. The editors reserve the right to correct or supplement the entries proposed by the author(s).
e) a bibliography constituting a list of all archival sources referred to in the text (names of archives, possibly names of archival units), studies, publications, memorials, reports, Internet sources, etc. Bibliographic records of publications in Polish should be in a form consistent with the guidelines of the “Publishing Instructions. Procedure for preparing publications of the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation”, attached as Annex 4 to Order No. 2/24 of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation of 7 February 2024 on the method of conducting publishing activities, distribution of publications and sales of publications, games, educational and popularising materials at the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation.
f) declaration of financing (as appropriate), i.e. short information about the sources of financing for work on the text (grant number, name of the financing institution, title of the project, etc.);
g) declaration of authorship (as appropriate), i.e. brief information on the participation of co-authors in the work, authorship of part of the text, participation of research assistants carrying out queries, etc., and finally on the recognition of any other institutional or personal assistance or intellectual inspiration (see the ethical policy of the periodical).
8. If there are illustrations in the text, they should be sent in separate graphic files (*.tif; *.eps; *.jpg) with resolution between 300 and 600 dpi. You should also send their descriptions and data about their source of origin. The author undertakes to prepare objectives and guidelines regarding iconographic material (photos, maps, plans, charts, etc.) for the purposes of publishing the work in the periodical, along with appropriate descriptions. The author will provide the Publisher with information about the copyright to the above material, indicating from which persons or institutions the Publisher may acquire the rights to publish these materials. The author undertakes to submit their own materials for publication free of charge and declares that they have the copyright to them or will indicate from which persons or institutions the Publisher may acquire the rights to publish these materials. The basis of the style applicable in publications published in English is The Chicago Manual of Style.
9. Published texts should be prepared in accordance with the editorial requirements of the editors of the periodical …. They are consistent with the principles contained in the document: “Publishing instructions. Procedure for preparing publications of the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation”, attached as Annex 4 to Order No. 2/24 of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation of 7 February 2024 on the method of conducting publishing activities, distribution of publications and sales of publications, games, educational and popularising materials at the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation.

Publishing instructions. Procedure for preparing publications of the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation

Rules for preparing a typescript - editorial requirements of the editors (pdf version)

All texts sent to the editors of the periodical “Polish-Jewish Studies” should be prepared in accordance with the adopted editorial principles:
1. Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
2. Line spacing: 1.5 lines.
3. The text is justified on both sides.
4. Paragraph indentation: standard.
5. Titles and subtitles: Times New Roman font, 12 points, bold.
6. Margins: standard (2.5 cm on each side).
7. Quotations from sources and literature on the subject as well as titles of exhibitions, conferences, scientific sessions and competitions are given in quotation marks.
8. Titles of scientific works, literary, musical, dramatic works and paintings in italics.
9. Names of the acts are given without quotation marks.
10. The texts use abbreviations: e.g., etc., incl., manusc. (manuscript), typescr. (typescript), y. (year), cent. (century) and others adopted in historical specialised studies, but with an explanation of their meaning.
11. In the text, the date is written according to the following formula: 1 September 1939. In footnotes, the month is given in Roman numerals according to the following formula: 1 IX 1939; when the month and year are given (without a day), the month is given in words, e.g. September 1939.
12. References to footnotes should be placed in the text before punctuation marks, i.e. a period ending the sentence (except when the sentence ends with the abbreviation “y.” (year) or similar) or a comma, semicolon inside the sentence (except when they are placed between words that are not separated by a punctuation mark).
13. Bibliography and footnotes should be in a form consistent with the guidelines of the “Publishing Instructions. Procedure for preparing publications of the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation”, attached as Annex 4 to Order No. 2/24 of the President of the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation of 7 February 2024 on the method of conducting publishing activities, distribution of publications and sales of publications, games, educational and popularising materials at the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation:
a) archival footnote: name of the archive, name of the archival aggregation (fonds), reference number, possibly volume (number of archival aggregation, bundle, folder), title of the document constituting its regest, date, number(s) of the page(s);
b) non-serial printed matter: the initial of the author’s first name, surname, followed by a comma, title (in italics), followed by a comma, volume (if any), followed by a comma, place and year of publication, followed by a comma, pages; in the case of publication in a collective publication: the title of the publication should be followed by [in:] and then the title of the collective work;
c) articles in periodicals: the initial of the author's first name, surname, followed by a comma, title of the periodical (in italics), then – without a comma – year of publication, followed by a comma, volume (instalment, number, section), followed by a comma and page or pages. In descriptions, Arabic numerals should be used.
The basis for the style of notes and bibliography in publications published in English is The Chicago Manual of Style.
14. The following abbreviations are used in footnotes: ibidem, idem (eadem, iidem), written in italics.
15. The edition of source documents should be prepared according to the following model:
a) the document header should consist of the date of creation of the document, the place of creation of the document and – after a dash – the document’s regest (the date of creation of the document is written as follows: year, month, day, and the missing date elements should be completed in square brackets);
b) textual footnotes (marked with letters) should refer to the form (text arrangement, additions, strikethroughs, etc.) of the document, and factual footnotes (marked with numbers) should refer to its substantive content;
c) the spelling and punctuation of the text should be modernised;
d) the date should be unified according to the following formula: 1 IX 1939, we do not change the names of the months written in words to a Roman numerals;
e) any distinctions in the original text of the document made by its author (underlining, CAPS, spaces) should be written in bold,
f) double slashes // should be replaced with round brackets ();
g) dictionary abbreviations should be left unexplained;
h) unconventional abbreviations should be explained in square brackets using antiqua;
i) initials of first names appearing next to surnames should be spelled out in square brackets using antiqua;
j) omissions made by the publisher should be marked with three dots in square brackets.
16. A review of a text should contain the items listed below, placed in the following order: first name (in an unabbreviated form) and surname of the author of the work being reviewed, its title and subtitle if one exists (as specified on the title page). In the case of a review of a collective work, the title should be followed by the name and surname of the editor; and then – in the case of a multi-volume work – by the number of volumes or parts (e.g. vol. 12) in Arabic numerals, followed by: publisher’s name, place and year of publication and the number of pages. The name and surname of the reviewer should be placed at the end of the text, on the right-hand side.
17. If the submitted text does not meet the above-mentioned editorial requirements, the editors reserve the right to return the text to the author in order to edit or supplement it in accordance with the adopted rules.

Evaluation points allocated by MInistry of Education and Science
40 (2023) (20 - in the list in force in 2021) 

Fields: history, archival studies
Disciplines: history, security studies,  political and administration studies, international studies 

Editor-in-Chief: Grzegorz Berendt PhD habil.

Editorial Team

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