View No. 4 (2023)

No. 4 (2023)


Section: Studies

The State of Research on Polish-Jewish Relations in Polish Lands Under the Soviet Occupation Between 1939 and 1941

Polish-Jewish Studies, No. 4 (2023), pages: 76-100

Publication date: 2024-01-03


This article attempts to juxtapose, present and analyse the standpoints of Polish, Anglo-Saxon (Western) and Israeli historiography on the nature of Polish-Jewish relations in the territories of the Second Polish Republic during the Soviet occupation (1939–1941). It outlines the state of scholarly (historical) research on Polish-Jewish relations since the 1980s. It discusses the main research trends, publications, and views on the most important and controversial events related to this topic. Among other things, it demonstrates the presence of two competing schools of historical thought in Polish historiography, which interpret and evaluate the most important issues of Polish-Jewish relations in that period differently. The article’s conclusions contain research postulates that may further deepen the analysis and knowledge of the matter in question.

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                            View No. 4 (2023)

No. 4 (2023)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Studies