Editorial Team

Editorial board

The editor-in-chief:

  • dr hab. Grzegorz Berendt, prof. UG (University of Gdańsk/ Museum of the Second World War)

The deputy editor-in-chief:

  • dr Tomasz Domański (Institute of National Remembrance – Kraków)


  • dr Alicja Gontarek (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin/Institute of National Remembrance)


  • dr hab. Sebastian Piątkowski (Institute of National Remembrance – Lublin)


  • dr hab. Elżbieta Rączy, prof. UR (University of Rzeszów/Institute of National Remembrance – Rzeszów)
  • dr Wojciech Wichert (Institute of National Remembrance – Szczecin)
  • dr Mateusz Szpytma (Institute of National Remembrance)
  • dr Roman Gieroń (Institute of National Remembrance)


Academic Board

  • prof. Marek Jan Chodakiewicz (The Institute of World Politics)
  • ks. dr hab. Przemysław Kantyka, prof.  (The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
  • dr hab. Bogdan Musiał
  • prof. John Radzilowski (University of Alaska)
  • dr hab. Przemysław Różański, prof. UG (University of Gdańsk)
  • prof. Peter Stachura (University of Stirling, emeritus)
  • dr hab. Mirosław Szumiło (Institute of National Remembrance/Maria Curie-Sklodowska University)
  • prof. dr hab. Stanisław Wiech (Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce)



Alicja Gontarek PhD
Mob. 698 992 301

Sebastian Piątkowski PhD habil.

Evaluation points allocated by MInistry of Education and Science
40 (2023) (20 - in the list in force in 2021) 

Fields: history, archival studies
Disciplines: history, security studies,  political and administration studies, international studies 

Editor-in-Chief: Grzegorz Berendt PhD habil.

Editorial Team

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