Outline of the organisational history of intelligence agencies in the structure of the security apparatus of Hungary 1945–1990
Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 21 (2023), pages: 285-352
Publication date: 2024-01-10
The article presents the organisational transformation of the Hungarian intelligence structure. Immediately after World War II, there was no independent intelligence unit within the country’s security organs; it was not until 1947 that offensive counterintelligence and work abroad was initiated within Section II of the State Security Division of the Hungarian State Police. Subsequently, within the framework of the State Protection Authority (Államvédelmi Hatóság – ÁVH), which was established in 1948 and which was directly subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior (Belügyminisztérium – BM), Section V of Division B became responsible for conducting intelligence. After the ÁVH became independent, this task was continued by Division I/5, operating within Department I. In September 1950, this cell was separated and functioned henceforth as an independent organisational unit under the name of Division X/3 of the ÁVH. Another change took place in September 1951, at which time Department VIII of the ÁVH was created on the basis of this unit. When the ÁVH was merged with the Ministry of the Interior in the summer of 1953, the former Department VIII became Division II of the Ministry of the Interior. The intelligence entity functioned under this name until October 1955, when it was renamed Department II. At the time, it was subordinated to Directorate I of the Ministry of the Interior. During the reorganisation of the Ministry in 1957, intelligence was initially the responsibility of Division III of Department (II) of Political Investigations of the Ministry of the Interior, which was renamed Division II/3 as early as the beginning of 1958. The last major change took place in August 1962, when there was a major reform of the security organs. From then on, there existed Main Department III/I of the Ministry of the Interior (Belügyminisztérium III/I. Csoportfőnökség – BM III/I). This unit was in charge of conducting intelligence activities until 1990, after which it was replaced by the newly established Information Office.
Węgry • wywiad • wywiad cywilny • Államvédelmi Hatóság • ÁVH • Belügyminisztérium III/I. Csoportfőnökség • BM III/I • Államvédelmi Osztály • ÁVO Hungary • intelligence • civilian intelligence • Államvédelmi Hatóság • ÁVH • Belügyminisztérium III/I. Csoportfőnökség • BM III/I • Államvédelmi Osztály • ÁVO
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