
No. 18 (2020)


Section: Articles and studies: Varia

The Activities of Regional Censorship Offices under Martial Law in Poland

Monika Komaniecka-Łyp


Instytut Pamięci Narodowej Oddział w Krakowie

p (b. 1975), PhD, historian, graduate of the History Faculty at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, employee of the Branch Office of Historical Research, Institute of National Remembrance in Cracow. Her research interests include the security apparatus in the People’s Republic of Poland, recent Polish history and the history of diplomacy. Her research focuses on the activities of the technical operations groups of the Security Service, Security Service archives and records, Solidarity structures, and the history of French diplomatic missions in Poland, particularly the French consulate in Krakow. She has received scholarships from the French government (2003, 2015) and wrote the monograph Pod obserwacją i na podsłuchu. Rzeczowe środki pracy operacyjnej aparatu bezpieczeństwa w województwie krakowskim w latach 1945–1990 (Cracow, 2014), which was nominated for the award of the 7th edition of History Book of the Year (2014) and the Prof. Tomasz Strzembosz Prize (2015). She has also edited two volumes of normative guidelines of the security apparatus: Instrukcje pracy pionów pomocniczych Urzędu Bezpieczeństwa i Służby Bezpieczeństwa (1945–1989) (Cracow, 2010), and Ewidencja operacyjna i archiwum organów bezpieczeństwa PRL w latach 1944–1990. Zbiór normatywów
(Cracow, 2017)

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 18 (2020), pages: 516-593

Publication date: 2023-03-29



The article presents the activities of regional censorship offices operating at voivodeship level during the Martial Law in the 1981–1982. Those were created out of personnel from Sections W and Sections T of the Voivodeship Citizen’s Milicia Headquarters and Voivodeship Offices of Internal Affairs (KWMO/WUSW) and operated for over a year (13 December 1981 to 31 December 1982). The main task of those regional censorship offices was to censor mail correspondence and telecommunications messages, and to provide surveillance of telephone calls. The article is based on the Security Service sources relating to postal censorship and reports on the telecommunications censorship activities of individual regional censorship offices. The article looks at the activities of the censorship offices in two sets of voivodeships created by the administrative reforms of 1975: the first set comprises the 17 previously existing (“historical”) voivodeships, the second one comprises the 32 extra voivodeships created as a result of the reform. A comparative analysis of the activities of different offices shows that the censorship of telecommunications messages and phone call surveillance were first handled (until the end of December 1981), and then only supervised, by Section T operatives. The burden of censoring telegrams and telex messages and conducting phone call surveillance fell to regular telecommunications workers. According to the heads of the relevant censorship sections this resulted in a drop in the quality and effectiveness of the censorship and produced inferior outcomes. The leadership of the Main Censorship Office believed that censorship fulfilled its intended role as a major constraint imposed across a broad spectrum of society. By censoring mail correspondence it was possible to gauge the public mood and opinions in different social groups (students, academics, culture) on the state of martial law as well as on government and party policies. The censorship also helped to curb the activities of the dissident opposition through seizure of clandestine publications published in Poland and abroad, and exerted a psychological impact on society, who kept hearing the recorded message, "this phone call is being monitored").

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No. 18 (2020)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles and studies: Varia