
Vol. 33 No. 1 (2019)


Section: Varia

Talks with “Mister Cogito”. Zbigniew Herbert as a Target of the Intelligence Service of the PRP

Grzegorz Majchrzak

Biuro Badań Historycznych Insytutu Pamięci Narodowej

Remembrance and Justice, Vol. 33 No. 1 (2019), pages: 478-493

Publication date: 2019-06-30


T he Security Service was interested in the life of Zbigniew Herbert for nearly 30 years. At the beginning, there were attempts to win him over as a collaborator, but later (due to his involvement in the opposition) he was subject to investigation. In the 1960–70s, he was a target of Intelligence Service operations, among others. Their officers planned to convince him to become their agent. To this end, they conducted talks with him. Herbert did not object to these conversations – initially conducted under the patrona- ge of the officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – but he was not willing to colla - borate. Neither did he conceal from his family and acquaintances the fact that he was approached by the Security Service and conducted talks with its officers. Ultimately, the Security Service abandoned the plan to make him collaborate. Zbigniew won the duel but not unscathed – one may consider whether he did not disclose too much to the officers of the Security Service during the conversations.

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Vol. 33 No. 1 (2019)


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Dział: Varia