Authorities and Journalists. Polish Journalists’ Association in 1956
Remembrance and Justice, Vol. 24 No. 2 (2014), pages: 95-134
Publication date: 2014-12-30
The Polish Journalists’ Association was one of many industrial vocational organizations
set up in Poland at the beginning of the 1950s. Based on the Soviet model, Polish
authorities created a network of creative organizations which were something between a trade
union and a social club where every member would monitor another.
What is so special about the Polish Journalists’ Association? First of all, the fact that
its members were the propagandists most active in the building of foundations of the
totalitarian communist system. Their situation was quite particular in the break-through
year of 1956. The year 1956 and the deep political and economic changes it brought along
were both an opportunity and a threat to them. It was an opportunity because they could
flourish and write without a gag in the mouth. It was a threat because the careers of the most
committed stalinism champions would break one after another.
The article analyzes the changeable political commitment of PJA in 1956. An important
role is played by considerations on differences between journalists from the peripheral regions
and those active in the centre of Polish reality, presented against a broader backdrop of the
political situation in the People’s Republic of Poland. Finally, the text answers this question:
what was the actual role of PJA in 1956? It also outlines the problems the Association had to
face over the following years.
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