
  • Zarządzenia i instrukcje archiwalne MSW (1957–1990)

    Stanisław Koller

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 13-36

    During the years 1944–1990, archives of state security organs operated in Poland. During this time, six comprehensive ordinances were issued regarding the handling of archival materials at the ministry: No. 00123/57, No. 0127/57, No. 0107/68, No. 034/74, No. 030/79 and No. 049/85. From 1957 to 1990, they governed in full the proceeding of acts produced by security authorities. In the audited period, all archival work at the ministry was subordinated to the management of the operational archive. In the process of amending archival norms, the handling of operational and non-operational acts was regulated in the apparatus of repression. The normative status was changed from “top secret” to “secret”. Gradually, changes were made to the names describing the collected operational materials: documentation, archival files, archival materials. All subsequent archival norms retained similar content and structure of issues. In the list of files, the number of departments, entries and types of operational files increased. The number of types of prints has been amended and increased. The normative status has been changed from instruction to ordinance. All modifications made to the aforementioned norms resulted from the specific nature of operational files and the need to secure the efficiency and secrecy of the Security Service’s operational units.

  • Archiwalia proweniencji prywatnej w zasobie Archiwum IPN. Zarys problematyki

    Szymon Czwarno

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 37–52

    Private provenance teams and collections have been part of the area of interest of the Institute of National Remembrance since its inception. Such material currently constitutes a relatively small, but significant part of the resources used in many areas of the Institute’s activity. They have been collected pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 18 December 1998 regarding the Institute of National Remembrance – Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation, strictly defining the chronological and material scope of the documentation obtained. As a result, acquisitions with specific features go to the resources of the IPN Archive, which in turn involves the occurrence of methodological problems during the development of the materials. The article discusses the basic issues related to the collection and processing of private archives in the IPN Archive, and a general description of this type of material that was received between 2000–2018.

  • Archiwa społeczne – wprowadzenie do problematyki

    Anna Żeglińska

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 53–64

    The wide scope of the concept “social archive” raises terminological difficulties that contemporary archival science faces. Referring to the definition of “archive”, formulated by Bohdan Ryszewski, the author suggests – from the point of view of archival science considered both as a scientific discipline and field of practice – to recognize the following as a “social archive”: 1) organizations (institutions) or their departments specifically dealing with archival materials created by specific social groups, 2) archival collections – archival resources created by a specific social group, 3) storage locations for archival materials whose creators, or more precisely archivists, were specific social groups. The author considers this social provenance of the created, collected, stored, developed and shared archives as crucial in recognizing and granting the status of a social archive, considered from the point of view of archival science. In addition to the social archives defined in the three aforementioned meanings which create or will create a national archive resource, there are many so-called social archives (in the colloquial sense), which collect and store documentation of social life in the form of various collections. This type of activity is dealt with by departments of social life documentation organized by many institutions, mainly libraries and museums. In English terminology, this movement is referred to as LAM (Libraries, Archives, Museums). The correlations, or in principle, the ambiguity of social archive used in the various meanings are shown with specific examples.

Zasób archiwalny

  • Współpraca Archiwum IPN z ukraińskimi archiwami obwodowymi. Dokumenty archiwalne dotyczące represji stosowanych przez sowieckie organy bezpieczeństwa państwowego wobec osób narodowości polskiej W dniu

    Bożena Witowicz

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 65–96

    The article focuses on discussing the archival materials received by the IPN Archives in Warsaw as part of contracts signed with the Ukrainian regional archives in Khmelnitsky, Vinnitsa and Odessa. The documents obtained in digital form concern the repression of Soviet state security organs against persons of Polish nationality during the first half of the 20th century, with particular emphasis on the 1930s. The article deals with the issue of criminal cases against Poles, the office form of documentation, the methodology of its development, and outlines the historical background of events.

  • Polskie podziemie niepodległościowe w statystykach organów bezpieczeństwa państwa w latach 1949–1955 W

    Anna Marcinkiewicz-Kaczmarczyk

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 97–108

    After the end of World War II, Poland was fully under the influence of the USSR, and the interim government of National Unity dependent on Józef Stalin took over power. The new authorities aroused resistance in the society and provoked a defensive reaction. Statistical summaries constitute an interesting source showing the problem of fighting the underground independence from the side of the apparatus of repression. It should be remembered, however, that they were assembled, like departmental studies, primarily in the second half of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s, and their purpose was to promote the merits of security organs in consolidating the people’s power. Therefore, the data they contain is not reliable. However, it shows how the history of the Polish underground was presented. With the help of that, they also sought to consolidate false ideas about the anti-communist underground in Polish society.

  • Wydarzenia marcowe 1968 r. w świetle akt proweniencji PZPR-owskiej z zasobu Archiwum Państwowego w Lublinie

    Tomasz Czarnota

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 109–130

    The State Archives in Lublin contain archival sets of the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR), they contain important documents about the history of the Lublin March ’68. They appear primarily in the files of the provincial and municipal committees of the PZPR in Lublin. The most information on the course of incidents involving students of Lublin universities and subsequent repression against them can be found in the minutes of the meetings of the Secretariat of the Provincial Committee and in the Information of the First Secretary of the KW (Provincial Committee) on the political situation in the Lublin Voivodeship presented at the meeting of the First Secretaries of the KW in the Central Committee of the PZPR in Warsaw on March 26, 1968. In turn, the minutes of the Plenum and Executive Municipal Committee in Lublin include news information about, among others, the “contribution” of workers from Lublin enterprises and ORMO (Volunteer Reserve of the Citizens’ Militia) members to the dispersion of the students’ assembly. In order to show the official position of the PZPR leadership regarding the reasons for the outbreak of this social protest, and to reflect the atmosphere prevailing in the ranks of party members, the papers delivered by the First Secretary of the KW and the resolutions adopted by the basic party organizations and committees of the PZPR of the lowest level are valuable. The documents found contain information on many aspects of the Lublin March in 1968. However, one cannot fail to mention that there are gaps in the abovementioned sets, both informational (no information about events) and documentary (no documents from this period). Undoubtedly, they affect the current state of knowledge about those events.

  • Gdyński protokół porozumiewawczy z 15 grudnia 1970 r. i jego tajemnice

    Robert Chrzanowski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 131–140

    Ten years before the signing of the historic August agreements in Gdansk, a similar event took place in Gdynia. It had a local dimension, but for the first time in the history of the PRL (Polish People’s Republic), representatives of the communist authorities sat down to talk with the striking workers. This resulted in a document signed by both parties, which was a Memorandum of Understanding between a seven-person delegation of the workplaces of the Paris Commune Shipyard, Stocznia Rementowa (Repair Shipyard), Board of the Port and Dalmor and representatives of the Presidium of the Municipal National Council in Gdynia, signed on December 15, 1970 at the MRN Presidium in Gdynia. The history of the creation of the protocol is recalled in numerous accounts of the participants of the talks, it is also mentioned in the documents drawn up by the PZPR units or SB (Security Service) units. However, it is unknown to the general public that there are two versions of the protocol. They are almost homogeneous, differ only in three postulates added manually and a different composition of signatories on the part of striking workers. The article tries to explain the circumstances of the two versions of the document and the reasons for the differences.

  • Zbrodnia lubińska 1982 r. w dokumentach Oddziałowego Archiwum IPN we Wrocławiu

    Joanna Dardzińska

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 141–150

    On August 31, 1982, a street demonstration took place in Lubiń to enforce the workers’ demands of power from August 1980. A peaceful demonstration, organized by members of the Solidarity Copper basin, was brutally suppressed by the services of the communist regime. Tear gas, clubs, water cannons, firearms and live ammunition were used against demonstrators. Three people were shot and killed: Michał Adamowicz, Mieczysław Poźniak and Andrzej Trajkowski, and several people were injured. The article is an analysis of, among others, prosecutor’s and judicial documentation regarding the abovementioned event known in Polish historiography under the name “Lubiń crime”. The circumstances and course of the event as well as the methods of work of security services and institutions appointed to explain it were discussed. Methods of blurring relevant information and destroying evidence in the Lubiń case were also presented.

Archiwa na świecie

  • Wspomnienia z wojny domowej w Kazachstanie (1918–1920) jako źródła archiwalne – na podstawie Archiwum Prezydenta Republiki Kazachstanu. Zarys problematyki

    Kairat Alimgazinow

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 151–168

    The Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty contain materials regarding the civil war in Kazakhstan (1918–1920). They are memories of participants once collected by Istpart – a scientific research institution collecting sources related to the period of the introduction of Soviet power in Kazakhstan. The article first describes the history of the creation of Istpart, the process of collecting memories and diaries, and then discusses the preserved documents and political conditions that had an impact on the content of these documents. In the summary, the author emphasized that they are currently not considered reliable sources, and therefore researchers approach them with great caution. However, this does not diminish their importance as documents showing the history of communism in the 20th century.


  • Mechanizm inicjujący zbrodnię – etap przygotowawczy operacji „Zachód” w dokumentach MGB

    Andrij Kohut

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 169–182

    On October 21–26, 1947 a mass deportation “West” was carried out in Western Ukraine. As a result, 77 791 people were evicted to Siberia and Kazakhstan. Operation “West” was one of the four stages of a deportation campaign against the so-called OUN families. The first stage of this campaign dates back to May 1941, when a deportation operation was conducted in Western Ukraine against the “counter-revolutionary elements”. All stages of the deportation campaign against the “OUN families” have a similar mechanism to the preparatory phase. First, the request of the Soviet secret services for the deportations, second the approval of the communist party and the government, and then the order of the Soviet secret services to conduct deportations. Operation “West” became the first post-war mass eviction and could have influenced the resumption of the use of the method of deportation operations on the territory of the western part of the USSR.

  • Reakcja środowiska Instytutu Józefa Piłsudskiego w Ameryce na działania władz komunistycznych w celu rozbicia środowiska polonijnego w latach 1971–1976

    Krzysztof Langowski

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 183–202

    In the first half of the 1970s, members of the Józef Piłsudski Institute in America (IJPA) were concerned about the growing interest of the authorities in Warsaw in the Polish emigrant community in the United States. The measures that were taken by the communists were primarily aimed at quickly breaking up the coherence of the independence emigration environment. IJPA activists were worried that the new approach of the Polish People’s Republic to the Polish independence environment in the USA could lead not only to its disintegration, but also to the communists taking over the New York archival and scientific institution. Therefore, they began to discuss the implementation of the project, which was to definitively secure the Institute and its collections. Finally, it was decided to amend the IJPA statute that had been in force since its adoption in December 1943. This issue was returned to several times before the changes were finally implemented and approved at the XXXIII General Assembly of the IJPA members, which took place on March 19, 1976.

  • Wybrane zagadnienia z koncepcji, tworzenia oraz eksploatacji Powszechnego Elektronicznego Systemu Ewidencji Ludności – PESEL MSW

    Wojciech Wabik

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 203–218

    The assumptions that were defined during the creation of the PESEL system concerned not only the electronic solutions themselves and the use of computer systems, but essentially rebuilt the system of recording citizens info in Poland. In the seventies, various state registers for storing personal information about citizens were scattered across many institutions. The implementation of the Universal Electronic Population Register system (PESEL) in the next decade required the establishment of a specialized department, which could function only within the structure of the Ministry of the Interior in the realities of the Polish People’s Republic. The article discusses the process of creating the PESEL system, contains the most important normative acts conditioning its establishment, and describes the activities of the PESEL Department. Attention was also paid to the merging of operational departments of the Security Service with the newly created PESEL Department. An algorithm was also described, which creates a unique 11-digit number for each citizen, composed of three basic modules.


  • „Kompromaty” mjr. Tadeusza Nowińskiego. Charakterystyki kadry i pracy polskiego wywiadu oraz kontrwywiadu w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym i podczas II wojny światowej

    Konrad Paduszek

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 219–250

    The published documents contain the characteristics of the officers of the 2nd Department of the General Staff of the Polish Army and the Commander-in-Chief, and a discussion of the activities of the special services of the Second Polish Republic towards the Soviet direction. It was prepared by the Main Information Board of the Polish Army based on the testimonies of Maj. Tadeusz Nowiński, who came to Polish Peoples’ Republic after the end of World War II and took up service in the communist intelligence as one of the few employees of the Second Division. Soon, however, he was arrested and subject to repressive measures. The materials prepared on the basis of Nowiński’s testimony are characterized by bias and draw a black collective portrait of officers and employees of the 2nd Department of the SG WP and the NW Staff, focusing attention on their deficiencies, imperfections and personality weaknesses. They also contain information about private life, property status, disciplinary offenses and involvement in political life.

  • Informacja dotycząca Keston College opracowana w Wydziale XI Departamentu I MSW

    Bogusław Wójcik

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 251–264

    The Center for the Study of Religion and Communism, colloquially referred to as Keston College, was founded in 1969 in Great Britain. Thanks to established contacts in the USSR and Eastern Bloc countries, and care for the reliability of the information provided, heads of the Michael Bordeaux center and colleagues quickly built Keston’s reputation as a credible communicator of the “voice of the persecuted”. Its growing importance as an opinion-forming center translated into the interest of intelligence services in communist countries, including the Polish Department of the Ministry of the Interior. The published document entitled “Information on Keston College” was produced in 1982 in Division XI of this department and summarizes the results of the first period of the center’s development, which was conducted from 1979 to 1982. The content of the source shows that officers of the Security Service were not able to reach people associated with Keston College, and the information obtained was a duplication of the publicly available data on the functioning of this center.


  • Wybrane dokumenty dotyczące Ośrodka Odosobnienia dla Internowanych Kobiet w Gołdapi

    Iwona Mudel

    Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 265–290

    On December 13, 1981, martial law was declared in Poland pursuant to a resolution of the Council of State. The introduction of it was preceded by, among others, the establishment of the Operation “Summer-80” headquarters in August 1980. As part of it, lists of persons selected for detention in the event of martial law were to be drawn up and updated. As early as the night of December 12–13, 1981, over 3,000 people were arrested throughout the country. Among them were women for whom, on the basis of the ordinance of the Minister of Justice of January 9, 1982, the Retreat Center in Gołdapia was created. The article discusses its functioning in historical and legal terms in light of the normative acts in force at the time, and also presents the reader with documents related to the center’s operation.


Recenzje i omówienia

Punktacja Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki
40 (2024 r.) (70 – w wykazie z 2023 r., 40 - w wykazie z 2021 r.)

Dziedziny: architektura i urbanistyka
Dyscypliny: historia, nauki o komunikacji społecznej i mediach, nauki o kulturze i religii, etnologia i antropologia kulturowa, polonistyka, stosunki międzynarodowe

Redaktor naczelny dr Mariusz Żuławnik

Sekretarz redakcji Paweł Tomasik
Zespół redakcyjny

Licencja CC BY-NC-ND