In Search of a Comparative Synthesis of the Apparatus of Repression in Central and Eastern Europe in 1944–1954. Comments on Molly Pucci’s Work, 'Security Empire. The Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe' (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2020), pp. 378
Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 19 (2021), pages: 943-975
Publication date: 2023-03-29
The text is a review article of Molly Pucci’s work, Security Empire. The Secret Police in Communist Eastern Europe published in 2020 by Yale University Press. The reviewer critically discusses the main theses of the analysed work. He states that the author’s main research objective was a comparative description of the role of the coercive apparatus in the seizure of power by communists in Poland, Czechoslovakia and East Germany (i.e. in the north-western part of the Soviet sphere of influence in Europe established as a result of World War II), and an ans wer to the question to what extent the course of these parallel processes, as well as the manner of reproducing the imposed Soviet model, was in fact similar in individual countries, until the emergence of the ‘common international security space’, composed of ‘almost identical police states’. Thus, as the reviewer states, the book is an attempt to synthesise the first phase of the security apparatuses in the three countries. The reviewer emphasises with appreciation that the author discusses the processes mentioned in a systemic manner, as an important, if not the key part of the forced, top-down construction of a communist-type state. That objective required a powerful coercive apparatus in all the countries mentioned, although not to the same extent. He also considers it rational to focus on those units of the respective national repressive apparatuses which played a key role first in the seizure and "consolidation" of power by the pro-Moscow communists, and then became their pillar of powers both in organisational and operative terms; not forgetting the cells involved in searching for the imaginary enemy within their own ranks, that is, the quintessence of a proper "security service". Above all, however – according to the reviewer – the work offers a whole range of important, though sometimes debatable, interpretative ideas and research questions strongly anchored in the researched, diverse literature on the subject and in Polish, Czech and German archives. Consequently, it will become an important point of reference not only for Polish researchers of the security apparatus, also for critical approaches or those undermining the findings and interpretations proposed by the author. In conclusion, the reviewer states that the discussed book by Molly Pucci, although imperfect in several minor details, undoubtedly fully meets the academic criteria, which make it possible to consider this book as one of the first serious comparative syntheses of the security (repression) apparatus in relation to the periods of the system’s implementation and mature Stalinism. Thus, the book can also be given the title of a pioneering work (next to Nikita Petrov’s texts). The reviewer also suggests that this work should be published in Polish by the IPN.
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