
No. 1(12) (2014)


Section: Biographies

Jerzy Szerszeń (1919–1973), Colonel, Officer of the Red Army, Head of District Board of Information No. 8, Superintendent of Investigations Conducted by the Military Information concerning the „Commanders’ Conspiracy”

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(12) (2014), pages: 329-340

Publication date: 2023-03-28


The Main Directorate of Information of the Polish Army was created on 15 May 1943 under the strict supervision of the Soviet SMERSH military counterintelligence organisation. Despite proving the obviously criminal activities of this institution, no investigator or officer of Military Information has ever been convicted by the Polish judiciary. The article presents the life and work of one of the most dangerous investigators, who was for many years the Head of Regional Directorate of Information No. 8 of Naval Information. He took an active part in uncovering and questioning naval officers in relation to the famous „Commanders’ Conspiracy”. Jerzy Szerszeń was born on 1 November 1919 in Brody in the Lviv province, as a son of Łukasz, a Polish State Railways employee, and Katarzyna. He was an officer of the Red Army (1941–1943), and, while serving in the Tadeusz Kościuszko 1st Infantry Division of the Polish Army, he took part in the battles for Berlin. He served in Military Information from 1947 to 1956. As a long-time head of  several of its agencies, he oversaw investigations into the most important issues of the Communist terror apparatus, including the Tatar-Utnik-Nowicki case. After leaving the service, he was recognised by the Soviet Union. In 1964 he graduated from the Higher Academic Course of the Military Academy of Logistics and Transport in Leningrad. He never faced justice, including from Communist judges, although „Mazur’s report” of 1957 was crushing for him. He died in 1973, without being harassed by anyone.

AIPN, 2174/8284, Akta osobowe Jerzego Szerszenia, k. 3–7, 9, 10, 16, 25–33, 35, 86, 87, 89–91, 94

AIPN, 835/186, Pismo GZI do płk. Szerszenia, 12 IX 1953 r., k. 49

AIPN, 836/83, Notatka służbowa dotycząca mjr. Gajdzika i stosunków w OZI nr 8, 18 III 1953 r., k. 63–65

ibidem, Rozkaz szefa OZI nr 8, 31 III 1953 r., k. 73–75

AIPN, 836/85, Informacja dotycząca pracy kierownictwa OZI nr 8 wg stanu na 30 X 1953 r., k. 10–14

AIPN, 0874/1, t. 5, Sprawozdanie komisji dla zbadania odpowiedzialności byłych pracowników Głównego Zarządu Informacji, Naczelnej Prokuratury Wojskowej i Najwyższego Sądu Wojskowego, k. 110

AOK, KJP, t. 263, Meldunek o wykonanych wyrokach, 4 XII 1952 r., b.p.

Rozkaz nr 079 szefa GZI MON, 5 IV 1949 r. (kopia w zbiorach Piotra Semkowa)

Notatka z rozmowy telefonicznej z Henrykiem Haponiukiem z 17 XII 2010 r. (w zbiorach autora)

J. Kuropieska, Nieprzewidziane przygody, Kraków 1988, s. 72–74, 364

E. Obertyński, Noc komandorów, Gdynia 1994, s. 45, 112, 113

P. Semków, Informacja Marynarki Wojennej w latach 1945–1957, Warszawa 2006, s. 46, 79, 80, 92, 95, 114, 126, 138, 168, 177, 187, 188, 190–192

W. Tkaczew, Organa Informacji Wojska Polskiego 1943–1956. Kontrwywiad Wojskowy, Warszawa 2007, s. 22, 71, 73, 78, 80

J. Szerszeń, Przez ogień i wodę, Warszawa 1984, s. 25–28, 153–178, 187–196, 204–235

Raport komisji Mazura, http://wyborcza.pl/1,76842,7603376,Raport_komisji_Mazura.html [dostęp 26 II 2010]

Dziadziuszko, K. (2023). Jerzy Szerszeń (1919–1973), Colonel, Officer of the Red Army, Head of District Board of Information No. 8, Superintendent of Investigations Conducted by the Military Information concerning the „Commanders’ Conspiracy”. Aparat Represji W Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, (1(12), 329–340. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.ipn.gov.pl/index.php/arpl/article/view/1507



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No. 1(12) (2014)


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Dział: Biographies