
No. 1(12) (2014)


Section: Articles

Activity of the Central Labour Camp in Krzesimów in the Years 1944–1945

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(12) (2014), pages: 41-55

Publication date: 2023-03-28


At the end of 1944 a camp was established concerning „work for political criminals and suspects in Krzesimów” for Germans, citizens of German descent („Volksdeutsche”) and Poles cooperating with German occupiers during the Second World War. It was  subordinate to the Ministry of Public Security. On 25 April 1945 it was announced that, apart from Warsaw, Potulice and Jaworzno, it would be a central work camp. In fact it remained a subsidiary of the castle prison in Lublin. The camp was officially abolished under Circular No. 57 of the Minister of Public Security of 12 June 1945, but, by December 1946, it was in use as an agricultural colony of the castle prison in Lublin. For several months at least 2,037 people were imprisoned there, mostly Poles  suspected of collaborating with German occupiers. Difficult conditions, hard work and beggarly meals caused the deaths of 420 people, whose names could be established.


No. 1(12) (2014)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Articles