
No. 1(15) (2017)


Section: Departmental and non-departmental training

Short Story of the Central School of Ministry of Public Security in Łódź between 1945–1947

Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 1(15) (2017), pages: 81-101

Publication date: 2023-03-28


Article talks about the Central School (CS) of Ministry of Public Security (MBP) between 1945–1947. It was a main institution, used for training of the staff for the communistic security apparatus in Poland in its first years of functioning. Participants of the training done by the CS of MBP in Łódź gained a basic knowledge about the methods of operational work in the field of forensics and ways of conducting investigations. In order to fulfil the special training, participants took part in the general knowledge subjects like Polish language or geography, political and army subjects. Totally the course was completed by 2,4 thousand officers, part of which, after completing the training, took over managerial positions. In the mid 1947 the school was relocated to Legionowo near Warsaw, due to the need of bringing the institution closer to the Centre of MBP. The possibility of using Ministry Staff to participate as lectures, was expected to contribute to update the teaching program and improve its effectiveness.


No. 1(15) (2017)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Departmental and non-departmental training