Vol. 43 No. 1 (2024)

About the journal

The periodical has been issued since 2002. It contains materials on the history of Poland and world history, articles on political, social and economic issues, as well as features on the history of historiography and methodology. In addition, it includes interdysciplinary and comparative studies, monographic articles, essays, reviews, opinion pieces, compilation of source texts and reports from selected academic conferences.

The journal is enclosed in the list of academic periodicals published by Polish Ministry of Education and Science. The number of research evaluation points allocated to the single publication in the INRR is 100.

"Remembrance and Justice" is indexed in the following scientific journal databases:

ERIH PLUS, Index Copernicus International, BazHum, Biblioteka Nauki, Polska Bibliografia Naukowa


Evaluation points allocated by Ministry of Education and Science

100 (2024; 140 - in 2023, 100 - in 2021)

Fields: history and archival science

Disciplines: history, literary studies, ethnology and cultural anthropology, Polish studies, protection of the heritage and conservation, family sciences, international relations

Editor-in-Chief: Sławomir Kalbarczyk PhD habil.

Editorial team

Licencja CC BY-NC-ND

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Call for papers

Information about the 44th issue of the “Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość” [“Remembrance and Justice”] magazine (deadline for submitting articles: 30 April 2024)

The main theme of the 44th issue of the biyearly “Remembrance and Justice”, scheduled for publication in the second half of 2024, will focus on the life and works of the outstanding writer Sergiusz Piasecki.

We invite submissions of scholarly articles dedicated to Sergiusz Piasecki. We aim to encourage scholarly reflection, with a particular focus on highlighting elements that have been overlooked or inadequately addressed in previous research on the life and accomplishments of this remarkable yet lesser-known writer.

Proposed thematic areas:

  •  issues of the Eastern Borderlands and the borderland in 20th-century historiography
  •  historical context of the image of  the borderland world and borderland man in the works of Sergiusz Piasecki
  •  placing the writer and his achievements in historical space
  •  intelligence activities of Sergiusz Piasecki in the service of the Second Polish Republic
  •  Sergiusz Piasecki as an “executioner” in the Home Army in the Vilnius region
  •  the writer’s emigration fate
  •  reception of Sergiusz Piasecki’s work in Western Europe
  •  Minsk region in the works of Sergiusz Piasecki
  •  Sergiusz Piasecki’s journalism
  •   topic proposals in the form of synthetic studies and selected case studies

The editorial office only accepts texts that have not been published before and contain a new, original approach to the topic.

We publish articles in Polish and English. The text volume limit is 50,000 characters for articles and source materials (with bibliography, summary and keywords) and 30,000 characters for reviews and accounts.

Submitted articles must contain:

  • ORCID,
  • biographical note,
  • bibliography,
  • key words
  • abstract

The publishing instructions and details about the review process are available at: https://ipn.gov.pl/pl/publikacje/periodyki-ipn/pamiec-i-spowiedzedliwosc

The editors of the 44th issue of the biyearly “Remembrance and Justice” are: Professor UcWr Małgorzata Misiak, PhD with habilitation [Polish: dr hab.] and Prof. Włodzimierz Suleja, PhD with habilitation

Please send your texts to: redakcja.pis@ipn.gov.pl


For authors

Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

For reviewers

We encourage research librarians to list this journal among their library's electronic journal holdings. As well, it may be worth noting that this journal's open source publishing system is suitable for libraries to host for their faculty members to use with journals they are involved in editing. 

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