View No. 4 (2015)

No. 4 (2015)


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No. 4 (2015)


  • Bolshevik agitation and the beginnings of the communist movement in Volhyn during the formation of the Polish administration in 1919–1921

    Serhij Hładyszuk

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 3-18

    The article analyzes the bolshevik agitation and the beginnings of the communist movement in Volhyn during the formation of the Polish administration in 1919–1921. In various towns of Volhyn poor probolshevik people organized troops “Nation Bolsheviks” who have carried out robberies among the richer peoples. The author shows the almost weekly Volhyn occupation by the Red Army in summer 1920 and the process of forming the new government and communist proups. Most members of the revolutionary committees on occupied territories were Jews and Ukrainians. Short-term occupation of the Volhyn region by the Red Army ended with the start of the Polish counteroffensive from September 1920. In this time Polish administrarion again took to Volhyn. Part of the local Bolsheviks gone to the Eastern Ukraine, and some of them in future start to take part in the Communist Party of Western Ukraine.

  • Inter-party relations in Eastern Galicia in the 1920s (the example of communist and socialist parties)

    Ihor Behej

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 19-30

    The article outlines the relations between the political parties in Eastern Galicia in the 1920s in the context of the activities of Ukrainian leftist parties. Characterized development and the program of the Communist parties: the Communist Party of Eastern Galicia, then the Communist Party of Western Ukraine. Also discussed pro-Communist parties: Ukrainian Social Democratic Party and “Sel-Rob”. We analyzed their relationship to pro-Soviet Ukrainian Labour Party and national Ukrainian Social Radical Party.

  • The transition of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party into the Communist camp in the early 1920s

    Ihor Rajkiwśkyj

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 31-52

    The article highlights pro-communist activity of the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party after its transition to the Radical Left Сamp at the VI. Party Congress of 18 March 1923 in Lviv. Among the reasons for the political evolution of the USDP was defeat of the Ukrainian revolution resulting in ideological disorganization among the social democrats, which was successfully used by the communists. After the Congress, the USDP became a legal extension of the Communist Party in Western Ukraine. In times of a deep ideological crisis in the national statehood camp (after the recognition of the Polish Power in Eastern Galicia at the Conference of Ambassadors of the Entente, March 1923), the USDP became dominant in society, its influence expanding to Volhynia (Volyn region), Kholmshchyna (Kholm region) and some other regions, which led to banning of the party by the Polish authorities in January 1924. Some of the Ukrainian deputies in the Polish Sejm set up a separate club of the USDP, and in November 1924 joined the Polish communist faction.

  • Soviet underground in Lutsk in 1941–1944

    Bohdan Zek

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 53-62

    The history of Lutsk underground was created in times of USSR, which is widely used with the ideological aim. The main leaders of this organization were V. Izmailov and P. Savelieva. Soviet underground workers helped prisoners of war and carried out scouting and sabotage work. Intensification of their activities came in 1943. At this time Lutsk underground established a link with partisan platoons of D. Medvedev, M. Prokopyuk, A. Brynskyj and others. According to the official Soviet version, P. Savelieva was arrested by the German secret services and burned alive in the yard of Lutsk prison. This episode was quite widely used by Soviet historians and propagandists. After the collapse of the USSR it was found that documents about Lutsk underground actually were not preserved or they were not put to scientific use. New source base makes radically change not only the opinion, but also highlight the quite different story of the Soviet underground in Lutsk during the Nazi occupation.

  • The road to unification. PPR and PPS in Biala Podlaska County in the years 1947-1948

    Paweł Tarkowski

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 63-82

    The years 1947-1948 were the period of intensive actions, which aim was to unify the Polish Workers' Party (Polish: Polska Partia Robotnicza, PPR) with the Polish Socialist Party (Polish: Polska Partia Socjalistyczna, PPS) and which the coping stone was the Unification Congress that was held from December 15th to December 21st, 1948. At this meeting the common organisation emerged under the name the Polish United Workers' Party (Polish: Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza, PZPR). The whole operation was carried out under a communist diktat, who took actions to weaken PPS through elimination of the internal opposition, implementation of submissive people to the management of the party, and absorption by PPR. The purpose of this article is to present the organization state of PPR and PPS in the period between 1947 and 1948, the interparty cooperation and the establishment of county structures of PZPR.

  • Management of Polish sport in 1944-1948. Study of the problem

    Paweł Markiewicz

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 87-101

    In the early years of Communist rule in Poland sport was not crucial for the emerging communist government. Legal reformation of that significant to an average citizen issue was not in the area of interest of either Polish Workers' Party, or of Polish Socialist Party. It was only after the latter party started to prevail that a breakthrough was finally made. Political wrangling of two parties' leaders - manifested in gross negligence and lack of consistency in action - caused further deterioration of the situation. Appointment of successive temporary posts, whose responsibilities - though seemingly clear - were not fulfilled, caused new problems. It would seem that the overriding goal of the authorities (apart from internal struggle) was to please the Soviet Union at all costs. Due to that, the situation of sport in Poland was not improved until 1948, despite several attempts.

  • Wladyslaw Zdunek. From a "professional revolutionary" to "reactionary element". Biography of activist

    Rafał Drabik

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 103-115

    The life of Wladyslaw Zdunek was full of radical changes. He fought with the communists in the Polish-Soviet War in 1920. A few years later he became a union activist in the Communist Party. During the whole period until the outbreak of second world war in various ways to support institutions that sympathized with the Communists. He was stopped many times by the Polish police, also he sat for it in prison. Although became an important person in the communist party in the Lublin province it is his character traits didn't let him the political career. He was quickly sidelined track. It caused more reasons for dissatisfaction. For the communist police became the enemy, which under surveillance and observed. His life is an example of that in the communist period did not really mattered education, but acquaintances in the elite party nomenclature. Although his life you can find many examples of typical careerism, however, character traits and attitudes instability did not allow him on achieving any successes

  • Cathedral of Bases of the Marxism - of Leninism – the case of UMCS in Lublin

    Marcin Kruszyński

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 117-137

    After 1944 Communists in Poland aspired to a full reconstruction of the political and social life. These processes did not omit the academic world posing new tasks ahead of it. The first change was about adapting the students' recruitment base. Now they had to come from peasants and workers. Secondly, the socialist consciousness and mentality was to be formed. University departments of the basics of Marxism-Leninism were to serve that aim. The following text describes actions taken at one of such departaments at the University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska in Lublin.

  • When in our Committee was 27. Division... The case of a member of the Home Army employed in District Committee of the PUWP

    Tomasz Czarnota

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 139-169

    Stalinism in Poland were characterized by, among other things, taking place within the Polish United Workers' Party purification processes its ranks of "enemies". Especially with "reactionaries" type of ex-Home Army soldiers. One of them was Zygmunt Gnieciak (1925-1989). Born in Rozyn (Volyn), in 1943-1944 he served in the 27th Volyn Home Army Infantry Division. After its disarmed by the Soviets, was a soldier of WP / WOP (until 1946). Then he worked in power station in Słubice. At the news of settling his family repatriated for Hrubieszow came to the area and started his own family. Soon he took a job political instructor at the District Headquarters of the General Organization "Service to Poland" and then in the District Committee of the Communist Party in Hrubieszow (1949-1951). Factual material indicates that as his clerk, chief of human resources’ department and head of the propaganda department secretly led a double play. Was to use positions in the party to sabotage its various actions. After nearly two years, perhaps for fear of being discovered he revealed that he was once a member of the Home Army. At the same time concealing his role he played in KP Polish United Workers' Party in Hrubieszow. In an atmosphere of dismay that the party apparatus employed in the former “bandit”, district leadership the Communist Party removed him from his post. But he did not suffer serious consequences beyond throwing their jobs and driven out of Hrubieszow. Not escaped prison in 1953. Was sentenced to a year in prison for lack of managerial supervision of the company buying fruits and vegetables in Chelm, which was then the director. Since the mid 50s to mid 80s. of XXth century he worked in mills and factories fruit and vegetable industry in the counties of Chelm and Hrubieszow.

  • Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy on Warmia and Mazury in the years 1949-1975. Outline of history

    Mariusz Korejwo

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 171-209

    Society of Fighters for Freedom and Democracy was formed in 1949 as a merger of almost all previously existing veterans’ associations. At the regional level, the most important element of the Association was the regional board and the superordinate bodies were poviate boards and clubs. Within the Regional Board there were merit-based commissions (e.g. verification, propaganda, health, medals, social), and after 1956 - also the so-called social group commissions (e.g. political prisoners, participants of revolution fights, fighters for the independence of Warmia and Mazury). In the years 1949-1956, the Association was in fact only a tool of political indoctrination and was strictly governed by political authorities that aimed at liquidating the Association. After 1956, the Association became totally independent and the veterans were given a limited possibility of postulating, mainly in social matters. The condition for being a member of the Association was loyalty towards the communist state.

  • L’viv city CPSU-CPU committee’s attitude to reforming municipal economic complex during perestroika period

    Ołeksandra Czura

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 211-223

    A key reason for systemic crisis that engulfed the economic complex of the USSR in the early 70ies of the XX century was an extremely extensive model of planned economy realization. Its ineffectiveness in market conditions proposed by restructuring at the turn of 1980-1990ies contributed to a rapid deterioration of the material conditions of the country’s citizens. All the efforts to implement cost accounting and selffinancing initiated by Communist Party leader Mikhail Gorbachov set production complex of the Soviet Union to the brink of survival. All branches of the state’s social and productive sector were embraced by a mrapid decline. As a result of this, the regional Communist Party elite perceived ambiguously introduction of market management methods which questioned the canons of soviet planned economy. Thus, the scientific article deals with Lviv City CPSU-CPU Committee’s Attitude to social and economic innovations that were embodied in the production environment of Lviv and their impact on the financial situation of the city’s residents.

  • The struggle of the communist regime against dissidents in Ukraine in 1987-1989

    Witalija Demianczuk

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 4 (2015), pages: 225-236

    The article analyzes the socio-political activity of Ukrainian dissidents in 1987-1989 and the struggle against them led by the Communist Party of Ukraine. Presents the anti-Soviet nature of their activities in the eyes of authority. In particular, the article shows their political actions which had a broad social resonance.

Materiały i dokumenty

Evaluation points allocated by the Ministry of Education and Science: 

40 (2024) (70 - list of 2023; 40 - list of 2021).

Fields: history, archival studies
Disciplines: history, security studies

Editor-in-chief: Adam Dziuba PhD habil.

Editorial Team

Licencja CC BY-NC-ND