View No. 3 (2014)

No. 3 (2014)


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No. 3 (2014)

Studia i artykuły

  • The activity of the revolutionary committee in Siedlce in August 1920

    Paweł Borek

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 3 (2014), pages: 3-20

    The article shows the almost weekly Siedlce occupation by the Red Army in August 1920 and the course of the organization and functioning of the revolutionary committee in this city. After the evacuation of Polish troops from the Bug river on the southern Podlasie entered the Red Army, whose task was: establishment of communist structures in each of the affected villages, farm and factory. County, city, municipal, homestead, and factory revolutionary committees designated by the Red Army had the character of civil-military, and directly subordinate to the Revolutionary Military Council was the army, operating in the area. Most members of the revolutionary committees on occupied territories were Jews, especially activists of Bund and Poalej Zion, with whom entering to ethnically Polish lands Soviets could easily communicate in Russian language. Short-term occupation of the Siedlce by the Red Army ended with the start of the Polish counteroffensive from Wieprz river in 16th August, 1920. The activities of Soviet power in this city did not result in major changes in the political and economical cases, and the attempt to raise the Polish population to the idea of communism was completely failed.

  • Relations between The Communist Party of Western Ukraine and The Communist Party of Poland in 1920th

    Marianna Pyrig

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 3 (2014), pages: 21-48

    Mutual relations between The Communist party of Poland and The Communist party of Western Ukraine in 1920th are characterized with the presence of ponderable conflicts and recriminations. KPWU was fighting for a wide autonomy in the activity explaining it the features of development of political force on the territory of East Galicia and Volyn’ in a counterbalance to other Polish territories. KPP tried to centralize guidance upon all communist forces in Poland for better control after activity of local organizations and their maximal efficiency. Persuasion that ІІ convention of KPP in 1923 settled all conflicts and allowed two parties to be completely incorporated and to act in concert is not confirmed by several inner-party crises that became especially noticeable in the second half 1920th.

  • Repression of the Stalinist regime against the Roman Catholic Church in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia 1939–1941

    Wołodymyr Baran

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 3 (2014), pages: 49-63

    The article analyzes the situation of the Roman Catholic Church in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia in 1939–1941. The author discusses the Stalinist policy towards religion and the Church, forms and methods of government pressure on religious organizations, believers and clergy (intimidation, summoning for questioning, the introduction of high taxes, the use of a variety of administrative harassment, etc.). This paper shows the activity of the Soviet state security organs to the distribution of religious communities, to discredit priests and church leaders, as well as the persecution and repression against the most stubborn and rebellious priests. However, even such action could not undermine the authority of the clergy and tear items of local people on the maintenance of a constant tradition, and the Christian faith.

  • Work competition in the activity of the Voivodship Committee of the Polish Workers' Party (KW PPR) in Kielce (1945-1948)

    Tomasz Trepka

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 3 (2014), pages: 65-85

    Polish Workers' Party (PPR) were particular about work competition. It was to be an element of political operations (to create a new working class and to perform educational function) and economic (to increase and improve the quality of production). However, The Communist Party encountered a number of difficulties in production plants. The most important of these may include the independence of the parts of the administration of companies and trade unions, insufficient involvement of some members of the Communist Party and the reluctance on the workers. Despite those facts, work competition was forcing in the most of companies in Kielce province and was an integral part of socio - economic development in post-war Poland.

  • The functioning of PPR wheels at Prison Mokotów in Warsaw (1946–1948)

    Wiesław Charczuk

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 3 (2014), pages: 87-103

    Prison Warsaw–Mokotów located at Rakowiecka 37 enrolled shameful in the history of Polish years 1944-1956. During this period in Mokotowskie prison functioned 4 wheel PPR , which focused around 75 members (of which came at the meeting of 30 States – 40 %). At the end of 1948, just before the unification of the party in all circles operating in jail Mokotów was centered 126 members. The analysis of the protocols of meetings that a common theme that was raised, the discipline of work. The prison officers will join the competition after the elimination of sleeping at the time of service at the police station, being late to work, coming to work intoxicated, excessive consumption of paper, water and electricity. Secretaries encouraged to be active members of the PPR that through training, employees MBP can obtain knowledge of the political situation that prevails in Europe and Poland, and that will be more " immune to all the promptings of the enemies of democracy." Hence, calling for the submission of the people who are more politically pounded to take care of those employees who have problems with reading and writing to teach them to understand the problems of communist ideological thinking. In the spring of 1948, the party meetings proceeded in accordance with a planned party line, which is nice to prepare members of the party to the unification movement PPR and PPS. Another nagging problem that was raised at party meetings, the presentation of the August Plenum of the Central Committee of the PPR, which were discussed issues Władyslaw Gomułka accusations of right-wing deviation.

  • Elections 1952 in Gdansk region in the evaluation of local party authorities – an attempt to analyze

    Daniel Czerwiński

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 3 (2014), pages: 105-115

    The main idea of the article was to show how the 1952 election, were discussed among the members of the Provincial Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party in Gdansk. It was the second voting after the war, but it took place in a completely different reality. In Poland, already in force the new constitution, the society was pacified, and the authorities had no real enemies, but in spite of all in the preparations were included the whole state apparatus. Control over the conduct of the voting was necessary, because the authorities were afraid of a boycott of the election, which was the only form of show opposition to the situation in the People's Republic of Poland. In the post-election analysis, it was emphasized that not everything went as it should, but the Communists and so won. In that Poland, couldn’t have been a different result.

Materiały i dokumenty


Evaluation points allocated by the Ministry of Education and Science: 

40 (2024) (70 - list of 2023; 40 - list of 2021).

Fields: history, archival studies
Disciplines: history, security studies

Editor-in-chief: Adam Dziuba PhD habil.

Editorial Team

Licencja CC BY-NC-ND