View No. 2 (2013)

No. 2 (2013)


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No. 2 (2013)

Studia i artykuły

  • The activity of the women in the communist party and in the League of Women in the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University (1944–1956)

    Marcin Kruszyński

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 5-26

    Many communist theorists gave prominence to issues of women’s equality. Not only the Karol Marx, but also the Włodzimierz Lenin underlined the problem of sexual inequality in bourgeois society in his journalism. In consequence of this, the bolshevik government of the Soviet Union placed sexual equality at the top of the agenda for social transformation. Bolshevik political rhetoric emphasized the equality of women as a central communist goal during and after the revolution. The same rules and the same standards were obligatory in Poland and generally in the Eastern Europe after 1945. Especially the League of Women had to personifed women`s equality in the new polish society. The text describes the activity of the “communist women” in the Maria Curie–Skłodowska University (MCSU) in Lublin in the period between 1944–1956. The basic question the author of the article was concerned with was to what kind of women were involved in communist party (Polish United Workers` Party) in MCSU and how The League of Women worked in the MCSU. A large part of the article was also devoted to the characteristics of the women who participated in the MCSU's Leaugue and communist party.

  • The first party committee secretaries of Polish Workers’ Party / Polish United Workers’ Party at Voivodship Department of Public Security (WUBP)/ Voivodship Department for Public Security (WUdsBP) in Gdansk in the years 1945–1956

    Daniel Czerwiński

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 27-64

    The Communist Party has played a pivotal role in Polish politics after World War II. Her branches were set up in every workplace, including the security apparatus. This text describes eleven silhouettes of people in charge of party structures in Voivodship Department of Public Security i Gdansk (in the period 1955–1956 as Voivodship Department for Public Security). They had different education, different biographies, but they had the most important feature – the confidence of the Party authorities. The first party secretaries were shown as a group. The author described the most important features of their biographies and juxtaposed them together. The article also explains the details of the selection of each of them, the most important events of every term and the circumstances of their dismissal from a position.

  • Teodor Duracz (1883–1943). Sketch for a portrait

    Konrad Ruzik

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 65-77

    The theme of the article is Teodor Duracz, one of the activists of the Communist Party of Poland and the Polish Workers Party (PWP). Born in 1883, in Charków, in 1905 he joined the Polish Socialist Party (PPS), after the break-up in 1906, belonged to the PPS-Left. Since 1918, residing in Warsaw. Related Polish Communist Party (KPP), being an lawyer of education defended the Polish communist activists before the courts and collaborated with Soviet intelligence. In the years 1922–1937 he was general counsel of the dealership USSR in Warsaw. He has also collaborated with International Organization for Aid Revolutionists (MOPR) created by the III International Socialist (The Comintern). In 1941, he was an activist of the Communist underground groups "Proletarian". In 1942, he was one of the organizers of the Polish Workers Party (PWP ). At the end of this year, was the head of the group leading the internal investigation into the circumstances of the murder of Marceli Nowotko, Secretary PWP. In 1943, arrested by the Germans in Warsaw, died at Pawiak as a result of torture used against him during the investigation.

  • Czeslaw Wojcik – propaganda secretary, teacher, company director, officer. The career of “ZMP-owiec”.

    Tomasz Czarnota

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 79-93

    This article presents a representative of the so-called career ZMPgeneration. Czeslaw Wojcik, born in 1930 in Volhynia, from the age of eighteen engaged in youth organizations, the Union of Rural Youth First Republic "Wici", and then the Polish Youth Union (ZMP). On behalf of the latter, year was also active in the Polish Scouting Association (ZHP). Obliged to work off charged at the high school scholarship to work as a teacher, performed it for less than a year (1949-1950), devoting himself primarily to the activities in the structures of the district (in Biłgoraj) and provincial ZMP (1951-1954). After returning from the Central Party School name Julian Marchlewski in Warsaw was appointed (1955) to the Secretary of the Municipal Committee of propaganda in the Polish United Workers’ Party, of which he was a member since 1950, quickly extending his political career hampered the events of October 1956. In the assessment of urban activists and other party groups took a restrained attitude toward the changes taking place and has been declared unfit to carry out propaganda work in the new reality. After the cancellation of existing functions, he was sent to study at the School of Social Sciences (WSNS) of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (1957-1960) who gave him powers identical to the degree of state higher professional education. When he returned to Lublin, for more than a decade involved with the Department of Vocational Training Centre in Lublin. From 1972 to 1979, directed the Knitting Industry "Lubgal" . Moved there for over two years to work in the field of state administration (he was head of department at the provincial office in Lublin and vice president of this city), in early 1982, he returned to the position of President of the Department of Vocational Education and held it until 1990. He was awarded, among others, Gold Cross of Merit. Died in 1998.

  • Government propaganda of Polish People Republic in the second visit John Paul II on example of ,,Gazeta Krakowska”

    Rafał Łatka

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 95-107

    Article presents one of the most important problems connected with the pilgrimages of Jean Paul II in the Polish People Republic- press propaganda. Author described the main purposes of communist government and how it was realized in practice, on example of the magazine of Cracow Commitee of Polish United Worker’s Party.

  • „Everlasting fraternal friendship”. Official visit of Kim Il Sung in the Polish People's Republic in 1984

    Sylwia Szyc

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 109-121

    The main idea of this article was to present the course and character of the official visit of Kim Il Sung who was a leader of Korean Peoples Democratic Republic, in Poland in may 1984. Till 1989 Polish–Korean relations could be recognized as close. Poland as one of the first countries considered the existence of North Korea on the field of international relations. Both countries cooperated with each other not only on the political and economic ground but also cultural. Kim Il Sung travelled around socialist states, moreover, he visited Poland in 1984 when his mail goal was an attempt to negotiate the higher price of financial and material help given to Korea by Poland.

  • Certain aspects of the Polish United Workers' Party (PUWP) in the period 1948-1990 (members, social composition, membership fees in foreign currency and staff.

    Marcin Żukowski

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 123-140

    The article describes the selected issues relating to the functioning of the PUWP. The author focuses on the issue of the number of members, the social composition, and nomenklatura. The analysis enables to establish that the PUWP was the massive, highly centralized party. Although the PUWP appealed to workers and peasants, they represented a minority in the party. It was a shy and fixed problem of party of power. This allows to show that PUWP party was entangling Poland with network of connections and analyse the founds of the party.

  • The output of the filing systems of the Voivodeship-level organizations of the Polish United Workers' Party in the years 1975-1990

    Dariusz Magier

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 141-156

    The filing system of the Voivodeship-level party organisation of the Polish United Workers' Party in the years 1975-1990 covered the operations of the filing system of the Voivodeship Committee, the provincial centres of party work (from 1982), the committees of Cities, City-Communes, and Communes, and also staff committees and the central and branch party organisations. Depending on the volume and degree of industrialisation of a region, the organisation could show even as many as a thousand staff, who participated in recording the activities of the Communist party bureaucracy. In fact, every recorded piece of information which was created as a result of the party structures' functioning constituted a party document. The party documents consisted of internal and external records, which accumulated as a result of cases being conducted (the system of mcase files), and these comprised the whole of the documentation held moriginally in particular organisational units, whole organisations, and party organisational cells. Despite the existing rule of the reproducing of mthe work of superior party structures by the inferior units, the filing work of PUWP structures resulted in highly diverse documentation. In this marticle, the Author is going to attempt to answer three fundamental questions capturing the essence of "a party document", i.e. what were the main types of documentation produced by the Communist Party, what rules governed the formulation of the records in the party structures, and what rules governed the measures of authentication?

  • Bureaucracy system in criminal-administrative jurisdiction in Poland

    Marcin Łysko

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 157-187

    In April 1952 in Poland there was introduced a collegiate settlements of minor offence proceedings by social factors. The legal and organizational attendance of the jury was given to criminal-administrative departments of national council bureaus. The personnel of those departments was too limited in comparison to the needs and included mainly people with no professional qualifications. Low wages efficiently discouraged employees to take jobs in the criminal-administrative system. Personnel problems were reflected in the low level of criminal-administrative jurisdiction in the 1950s. After the crucial for after-war Poland year 1956 the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was supervising the juries, tried to improve the criminal-administrative system. However, facing lack of support from the central government it was not capable of solving the problem of personnel liquidity and an inadequate number of lawyers in the system attending the juries. It was not until the second half of the 1960s when some bills were passed, which made improving the system by employing people with legal qualifications possible. However, the personnel was still not numerous enough to cope with the range of tasks, which had a negative impact on the level of juries for minor offences functioning.

  • The establishing the Human Rights Defender and the problems of administration in Poland at the end of the eighties of the twentieth century

    Michał Bartoszewicz

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 189-201

    The article is concerning the political and legal cirmumstances of establishing the Human Rights Defender (ombudsman) in 1987. It was the second ombudsman created in East and Central Europe (after former Yugoslavia) before the transition period (since 1989). Following the review of the main reasons of passing the Act of 15 July 1987 on the Human Rights Defender author analysies rules of appointment of the Defender, the measures which shall be taken by the Defender on a request of citizens or on the Defender’s own initiative. Due to The Defender duty to report the Sejm each year about his/her activities and on the observance of the liberties and rights of a human and a citizen it is worth mentioning which problems concerning relations administration of the state to its citizens were the most important in the years 1988-1989. The bureaucracy of these days seemed to be inefficient, often using predominance over the individual. However some of the sources of these problems had the objective nature resulting among others factors from the condition of the legal system. When this aspect is concerned the situation at present has not improved much.

  • Anti-Semitic Campaign in East Germany in 1952 and 1953

    Teresa Willenborg

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 203-211

    The article provides an overview of the anti-Semitic campaign in 1952 and 1953 in the East Germane. During the German Democratic Republic regime the people kept silent till 1989 about the topic. In the Soviet Union 1948 had started the anti-Semitic campaign. It followed similar purges in other Eastern Bloc countries that were under Soviet domination. The Communists in East Germany have renewed their anti-Semitic campaign purging the last handful of government officials of Jewish origin, dissolving the operations of Jewish community organizations. A result of the atmosphere generated by the campaign left the country more than 400 germane citizen of Jewish origin. The anticosmopolitan purge in 1952-53, the arrest and imprisonment of communist party official Paul Merker, the flight of the leadership of the tiny Jewish community indicates that the East German government was not an anti-Semitic regime in the sense that the Nazi regime was, but the East Germany were willing to adopt the traditional European anti-Semitism.

  • The industry of Soviet Ukraine: war preparation in 1938–1941

    Maksym Hurećkyj

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 213-225

    This article reveals industry development analysis in Ukraine during third year plan (1938–1941) in war preparation conditions. The article reveals common condition of the industry in the Republic, also industrial importance in the Soviet Union. Third five year plan targets comparison (1938–1942), surreal economic results achieved before the war in main branches of the industry. The article stresses that accelerated process of militarization of the economics takes place during the research period, also military build-up, growing imbalance between the production of means of production (industry group 'A') and the production of consumer goods (industry group 'B'). Social aspects of such a policy have been specified, including the introduction of more stringent government conditions and punitive measures against violators of labor discipline. Documents of central state archives of the Russian Federation have been used in this article, some of which have not previously been published.

  • The Communist Party of Ukraine in the period of transition: the features of activities in western Ukraine in 1985–1991

    Ołeh Murawśkyj

    Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 2 (2013), pages: 227-238

    Untrained reform of „perestroika” has profound ideological crisis of the Communist Party of Ukraine in 1985–1991. As a result, there has been complete loss of control over social and political processes. The authority of the Communist Party undermining the newly created „informal” organizations and political parties whose activities led to a breach of the monopoly of Communist Party, and the formation of a multiparty system. Crisis could not be avoided to unsatisfactory work of the apparatchiks of primary organizations (especially large industrial enterprises).

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