View No. 12 (2023)

No. 12 (2023)


Section: Studia

“Project Truth” vs “Blood Money”. Romuald Spasowski’s and Zdzisław Rurarz’s escapes in the context of Polish and American propaganda – media campaigns in the shadow of martial law

Patryk Pleskot

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski

Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 12 (2023), pages: 161-186

Publication date: 2024-02-06


The introduction of martial law in communist Poland had at least one unexpected side effect for General Jaruzelski and his military team: on December 19, 1981 Romuald Spasowski, the Polish ambassador in the United States, asked the Americans for political asylum. Four days later Zdzisław Rurarz – who represented Poland in Japan – did the same thing. The escapes caused serious damage to the communist Poland’s public image. The Reagan administration decided to profit from this situation, using both diplomats (especially Spasowski) in intensive media campaigns. Its main goal was to demonstrate support for the Solidarity movement and to condemn martial law. Simultaneously, the Polish authorities, in order to minimise the damage, started their own media campaign – limited but visible – violently critisising the two defectors. Both ex-ambassadors were accused of treason, ingratitude, base motives and even mental problems. In the first few weeks after escapes the Polish and American campaigns reached their peak. In this article, the author has tried to characterise both propaganda narratives.

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Pleskot, P. (2024). “Project Truth” vs “Blood Money”. Romuald Spasowski’s and Zdzisław Rurarz’s escapes in the context of Polish and American propaganda – media campaigns in the shadow of martial law. Komunizm: System-Ludzie-Dokumentacja, (12), 161–186.



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