
Nr 10 (2021)


Data publikacji:




  • Jeszcze o Jesziwie Mędrców Lublina (1930–1939)

    Konrad Zieliński

    Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr 10 (2021), strony: 139-162

  • Posłowie Frakcji Sejmowej Posłów Komunistycznych, Frakcji Sejmowej Związku Proletariatu Miast i Wsi i Komunistycznej Frakcji Poselskiej oraz inni posłowie komunistyczni w parlamencie II RP. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze

    Sebastian Drabik

    Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr 10 (2021), strony: 163-181

    The following article presents the current state of research into communist deputies’ activities in the Second Polish Republic. The author has analysed the role of the Communist Party of Poland and its satellite parties in the parliamentary election campaigns
    of 1922, 1928 and 1930. Furthermore, the activity of communist deputies in the Polish Seym was reviewed. It is evident that they were dependent on both the central communist authorities and Comintern. They tried to use the parliamentary stand to propagate
    the communist programme and criticize the Second Polish Republic’s authorities. They were holding their parliamentary seats until 1935.

  • Polska Partia Socjalistyczna wobec problemów życia społecznego w powiecie kołobrzeskim w pierwszych miesiącach powojennych

    Arkadiusz Piecyk

    Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr 10 (2021), strony: 183-199

    The subject of the article is the attitude to the problems of social life in the activities of the Polish Socialist Party (PPS) in the Kołobrzeg district just after the end of World War II. Socialist activists operated in extremely difficult conditions, facing many challenges. The article presents the struggles of PPS activists in the face of such problems as: lack of food supplies, relations with the Soviet occupation forces and the Germans remaining in these areas after the war, war damage, crime, demoralization of the Citizens’ Militia, attempts to adapt the newly seized lands to the needs of the settlers

  • Polityka władz polskich wobec reemigracji, repatriacji i uchodźstwa z porewolucyjnej Rosji (na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego)

    Konrad Zieliński

    Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr 10 (2021), strony: 201-202

    The First World War, territorial disputes, and the Polish-Bolshevik war caused major changes in the demographic, national and religious structure of the Polish lands, including the Lublin region. The south-eastern part of the former governorate was the most depopulated which, among others, resulted from the Russian evacuation in the summer of 1915, war death toll, conscription to the army or recruitment to work. Other significant contributors were increased mortality and a drop in the number of births that were triggered, inter alia, by an epidemic of infectious diseases. Nevertheless, prior to the end of hostilities, the displaced people and refugees began to return to the country. The influx of newcomers from Russia posed a great challenge to Poland, which at that time was struggling with the post-war economic and political crisis, and waging costly border wars. The authorities, extending a warm welcome to compatriots, were generally reluctant to see people of different than Polish ethnicity returning to the country, especially Ukrainians (the dispute over the Chełm region, administratively separated from the Lublin governorate in 1912 as a land “indigenously Ruthenian”, was still very much alive and even fuelled by the Brest Treaty, under which this area was to fall to the Ukrainian People’s Republic) and Jews (perceived as a vanguard of the communist revolution, unwelcome due to the planned nationalization, here “polonization” of trade and industry). The Polish authorities, obliged by national and international law to accept repatriates and refugees, categorized newcomers and multiplied bureaucratic obstacles for people seeking, for instance, citizenship or the right of residence. In practice, offices made their efforts to regulate the volume of migration, and such measures were most often applied towards “foreigners” by nationality, not always following objective legal and economic premises or justified suspicions of subversive and antiPolish activity. The attitude towards people arriving from Russia was an outcome of the
    state’s nationalist policy in the first years after regaining independence, which is clearly illustrated by the Lublin Voivodeship, a politically sensitive area with its heterogeneous ethnic and religious structure.

  • Partyjni dysydenci, czyli krótka historia myśli (anty)socjalistycznej I sekretarza KW PZPR w Poznaniu, Edwarda Skrzypczaka: studium przypadku

    Judyta Bielanowska

    Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr 10 (2021), strony: 221-252

    The political biography of Edward Skrzypczak, former First Secretary of the Polish United Workers’ Party in Poznań in 1981–1982, is the biography of a party dignitary whose fidelity to the ideals of socialism was the reason for his dismissal from his position. This is the story of a man who, despite belonging to the PZPR, was able to win over representatives of the democratic opposition around him, earning their trust and respect. The political fate of Edward Skrzypczak is also a story about the need to make the most important choices and make decisions in the face of formal membership in the Party, marked by the distortions of his own ideology, and at the same time the desire to revise the ossified forms of bureaucratic organization and to meet the needs of the society, which for the first secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Polish United Workers’ Party in Poznań always was the highest value, which was confirmed after the introduction of martial law, when in an exceptionally difficult situation for most Poles, Edward Skrzypczak’s personality traits became an invaluable help for the interned, who could count on the effective help of the 1st secretary. Contrary to all circumstances, he remained forever faithful to socialist ideals, loyal to General Jaruzelski and approving his decision to introduce martial law. After the socio-political changes in 1989, Edward Skrzypczak still maintains the socialist system of values

  • Zarys biografii Mieczysława Fejgina, osobistego lekarza Bieruta

    Jolanta Epsztein

    Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr 10 (2021), strony: 253-298

  • Historia Skulbaszewskiego. Przyczynek do badań nad bezsilnością prawa

    Arkadiusz Kutkowski

    Komunizm: System - Ludzie - Dokumentacja, Nr 10 (2021), strony: 299-323

    The following article outlines attempts to prosecute Antoni Skulbaszewski, a chief military prosecutor in 1948–1950, later a long-term deputy head of the Main Information Board of the Polish Army, and in the public opinion a Stalinist felon. Such attempts were made both in the times of the Polish People’s Republic and after the political breakthrough of 1989–1990 to no avail. The author tries to discover why these efforts were futile and concludes that it resulted from political decisions made by Władysław Gomułka and his accomplices, who right after the “breakthrough” of 1956 decided not to prosecute Soviet officers. A further contributor was a peculiar “impossibilism” of the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, which after the collapse of the USSR and gaining independence by Ukraine, did not consent to prosecute Skulbaszewski, who was already a Ukrainian citizen. In addition, the article sheds some light on little-known facts from life of the former chief military prosecutorand raises a question whether they can be viewed from the angle of H. Arendt’s well-known thesis of “banality” in totalitarian systems.
