View No. 11 (2022)

No. 11 (2022)


Section: Studia

Managing the cadres, ideology and production plan. The basic party organisations of the Polish United Workers’ Party at the Jankowice coal mine in Boguszowice and the railway hub in Rybnik in the years 1951–1975 (in the light of documents)

Adam Dziuba

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej Oddział w Katowicach

Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 11 (2022), pages: 75-145

Publication date: 2023-06-26


The PZPR (the Polish United Workers’ Party) – the Marxist-Leninist party claiming to be the vanguard of the working class and in charge of the state on its behalf, was a mass organisation with strong local structures that also existed in the workplace. In large enterprises, such as the railway hub in Rybnik and the Jankowice coal mine in Boguszowice, it was involved in company committees and played a significant political role in the life of the cities where it operated. The Marxist theoreticians emphasised that the most important duty of company units of the PZPR was to take care of the proper shape of interpersonal relations, solve problems in workplaces and in the places of residence and participate in political life of the local area. The two company party organisations in question co-managed political rituals in their locality and workplace, dealt with personnel policy and micro-management (including the organisation of workplace competitions and “production meetings”), duplicated the activities of the industrial administration and supervised employee and trade union bodies that functioned in the workplace. They were also in charge of social and political organisations that operated in their parent establishments. Both of the company committees also had to promote the ideology of the party by organising political training, organisational meetings, open meetings or worker mass meetings, as well as supervise the implementation of party propaganda in their area and encourage employees to meet their production goals and perform their political duty. A specific feature of the company committee at the Jankowice coal mine, the largest workplace in the municipality of Jankowice at the time, was the organisation of the daily life of the residents of the the workers’ housing estate near the mine. The company committees also performed organisational functions, cared for their own growth and the increase in the number of party members among the employees. Their basic responsibility was to follow the orders of the superior authorities – the District Committee of the PZPR in Rybnik in this case. However, the authorities of both these company committees considered their most important work to be action undertaken to increase the production of coal (in the case of the coal mine) and the efficient organisation of the transport of goods, especially coal (in the case of the railway node) – that is, purely economic tasks.

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Dziuba, A. (2023). Managing the cadres, ideology and production plan. The basic party organisations of the Polish United Workers’ Party at the Jankowice coal mine in Boguszowice and the railway hub in Rybnik in the years 1951–1975 (in the light of documents). Komunizm: System-Ludzie-Dokumentacja, (11), 75–145.



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Dział: Studia