Organising Citizens’ Militia in the Cracow Voivodeship in the Light of Reports from 1945
Aparat Represji w Polsce Ludowej 1944-1989, No. 19 (2021), pages: 580-616
Publication date: 2023-03-29
The organisation of the Citizens’ Militia in Poland is a topic that has already been discussed on a national scale. However, on the local ground there is still the lack of more detailed analyses for individual voivodeships and this is the case of the Cracow Voivodeship. Towards the end of 1944, when the appropriate legal ordinances fixing future servicemen in the apparatus of power had already been issued, groups composed mostly of former People’s Army [AL] partisans began to be organised in Rzeszów to fill subsequent voivodeships with future militiamen in the wake of the front heading west. The establishment of the Cracow Voivodeship Headquarters of the Militia took place immediately after the January offensive of the Red Army, and convoys with officers reached Cracow, occupied by the Soviet army, soon after the cessation of hostilities in the city. Soon, commanders arrived in all districts of the voivodeship to establish local Citizens’ Militia (MO) structures. In this way, district headquarters, police stations and local posts were efficiently organised, and founding reports describing local conditions faced by the officers began to arrive at the voivodeship headquarters. In mid-1945, the whole voivodeship was inspected by a special group sent from Cracow, and the conclusions of its reports were sent to the voivodeship headquarters for analysis. It is assumed that by the end of 1945 the first stage of organising MO structures in the voivodeship was successfully completed.
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Katalog pracowników, funkcjonariuszy, żołnierzy organów bezpieczeństwa państwa,, dostęp 13 V 2021 r.
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