Visualizza V. 42 N. 2 (2023)

V. 42 N. 2 (2023)


Section: Studia

Pre-university Education in the Romanian People’s Republic (1947–1965)

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, V. 42 N. 2 (2023), pages: 45-58

Publication date: 2024-04-03


The objective of the article is to briefly present the functioning of the education system in Romania under the leadership of the Romanian Communist Party. This article tries to capture in general terms the structure and functioning of schools during the first part of the communist regime, i.e. during the period 1947–1965. There were two distinct  periods  that  marked  the  evolution  of  pre-university  education:  1947–1955  and 1956–1965.The first period was characterised by the adaptation of the Soviet model, made concrete by the adoption of the education law of 1948, which laid the foundations for a secular education system, coordinated entirely by the Romanian state authorities. In the second period, an attempt was made to break away from the Soviet model and restore Romanian education to a structure close to the interwar one. The  achievements  were  significant  (many  schools  were  built,  the  enrollment  and  attendance  of  students  in  elementary  and  secondary  schools  increased,  as  well  as  the  elimination of illiteracy), but the politicisation and control of the education system by the communist regime was permanent throughout this period.

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Direcția Județeană Prahova a Arhivelor Naționale [The Prahova County Directorate of the National Archives], fond Sfatul Popular al Regiunii Ploiești. Secția Învățământ [the People’s Council of the Ploiesti Region fund, Education Section]

Monitorul Oficial [The Official Monitor of Romania], no. 177/1948.

Flamura Prahovei, ziar al Comitetului Regional P.M.R. Prahova [The flag of Prahova County, newspaper of the Communist Party Regional Committee of Prahova], no. 143/1951, 153/1951, 796/1954, 2359/1960.

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Istoria românilor [Romanian history], vol. X, coord. D. Giurescu (Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică, 2013).

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                            Visualizza V. 42 N. 2 (2023)

V. 42 N. 2 (2023)


Data publikacji:

Dział: Studia