
Bd. 36 Nr. 2 (2020)


Section: Varia

“Our solidarity in the struggle is the guarantee of our victory” The Counterintelligence Anti-Terrorist Apparatus in the Eastern Bloc in the 1980s. A Czechoslovak Perspective

Pavel Žáček

Member of Parliament of the Czech Republic

Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość, Bd. 36 Nr. 2 (2020), pages: 449-482

Publication date: 2020-12-31



At the turn of the 1970s and 80s, the Czechoslovak security apparatus formed an interest in the undercover and espionage activities of the various state security forces in Communist countries in the Eastern Bloc tasked with operations against international terrorism and the training and deployment of special antiterrorist units. Following the establishment of a counterintelligence directorate for “special and unusual types of criminal activity” (the 14th Department of the National Security Corps or SNB), the leadership of the new structure was given the opportunity to make several international study trips to the Soviet Union, Hungary, East Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and even Yugoslavia. Reports from those official visits to security institutions in other Communist countries were filed with the leadership of the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs. The accounts capture a cross-section view of the status of counterintelligence structures tasked with containing international terrorism (and partly also so-called “domestic” terrorism) in Eastern Europe, including the organisational structures, training programmes and tactics for deploying special antiterrorist units. During those meetings, representatives of the Czechoslovak state security services (Státní Bezpečnost, StB) and public law enforcement and criminal police (Veřejná Bezpečnost, VB) were given access (obviously limited) to information concerning the activities of the 2nd Main Directorate of the KGB (USSR), the 5th Directorate of the KGB (USSR), but also the special Alpha Unit of the 7th Directorate of the KGB (USSR), the 2nd Directorate and the 3rd Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in People’s Republic of Hungary, and the line units of the Revolutionary Regiment of Public Security, the 22nd Main Department of the Ministry of State Security (Hauptabteilung XXII MfS, “Terrorabwehr”) and the special units subordinated to a special working group of the permanent operational staff of the Ministry of State Security (AGM/S MfS) of the German Democratic Republic, the central apparatus of the Polish Security Service, as well as the special security unit in the Main Directorate of the People’s Police, the 2nd Main Directorate in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, People’s Republic of Bulgaria, the special motorised regiment, the federal directorate of counterintelligence at the Secretariat of Internal Affairs, the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the special anti-terrorist unit of the Militia Brigade. The aim of this article is to serve as a reference work based primarily on the information sourced from Czech archives in order to provide new insights into the collaboration and exchange of information within the Communist Bloc regarding the establishment, training, organisation and, ultimately, deployment of special anti-terrorist units working within the counterintelligence apparatus aimed against the activities of terrorist groups and organisations.

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Žáček, P. (2020). “Our solidarity in the struggle is the guarantee of our victory” The Counterintelligence Anti-Terrorist Apparatus in the Eastern Bloc in the 1980s. A Czechoslovak Perspective. Pamięć I Sprawiedliwość, 36(2), 449–482. https://doi.org/10.48261/PIS203624



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Bd. 36 Nr. 2 (2020)


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Dział: Varia