View No. 16 (2023)

No. 16 (2023)


Section: Dokumenty

“On the Southern Route”: The Inaugural Voyage of Transatlantic Liner MS Batory in Helena Deskur’s 1936 Notes

Szymon Czwarno

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 16 (2023), pages: 267–300

Publication date: 2023-12-29


The Polish merchant navy had nine transatlantic passenger ships in its history. The longest serving among them was the MS Batory, commissioned in 1936. Until the outbreak of World War II, the Batory sailed from Gdynia to New York. After Germany’s aggression against Poland, the British government chartered it. Rebuilt, it served as a troop transport and landing ship. It was used in naval operations, more than once becoming the target of direct enemy attacks. In 1946, it was returned to Poland. For several years, it again served the New York line, and then sailed to India and Canada. In 1969, it was withdrawn from service and sold for scrap.

The Batory enjoyed considerable public interest. The central figure of numerous articles and reports, it also appeared in the memoirs of crew members and passengers. These include the memoirs of Helena Deskur, who was on the first cruise after the transatlantic ship went into service. The MS Batory at that time was on a cruise from Trieste to Gdynia.

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                            View No. 16 (2023)

No. 16 (2023)


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