
No. 9 (2016)



Porucznik WP Czesław Pawłowski, lekarz weterynarii – ocalony jeniec ze Starobielska

Witold Wasilewski

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 9 (2016), pages: 165–184

Publication date: 2023-04-05


zCzesław Dominik Pawłowski, a prisoner of war in the NKVD camp in Starobelsk, son of Jan, born on 4th August 1908, and reserve second lieutenant of the Polish Army (veterinary) appears in the lists of victims of the Katyn massacre as murdered in Kharkov in 1940. Pawłowski was deemed a victim, as he was in the so-called Gaydidey’s list which served as a basis to reconstruct the Starobelsk list of the Katyn massacre. In reality, Pawłowski survived imprisonment in Starobelsk. Study of a document from the collection of the Polish Institute and Sikorski Museum in London resulted in the discovery that Pawłowski was not murdered in Kharkiv in 1940. A notice by Czesław Pawłowski to an officer of the 3rd. Carpathian Rifle Division, submitted in Iraq in November 1942,contains a list called “Names of officers of the Polish Army I personally knew staying in the camp in Starobelsk/Don (USSR) from 25th September 1939 until 27th November 1939”. Under the list, there is an annotation concerning the further life story of Pawłowski which indicates that he was released from the camp for prisoners of war on 27th November 1939, arrested by the NKVD on 19th April 1940 and imposed the penalty of a Soviet work camp. The annotation was signed: “Pawłowski, Veterinary”. Pawłowski’s personal files, stored in the British Ministry of Defence, made it possible to restore the course of his service after he was released from a Soviet work camp in 1941, starting from the Polish Army in the USSR, the Polish Army in the East and the Italian Corps II, to the Polish Resettlement Corps in Great Britain. Personal files also depict the circumstances under which Pawłowski emigrated to the United States in January 1949. Czesław Pawłowski, promoted to lieutenant of the Polish Army in 1943, died in Chicago (USA) in 1986.


No. 9 (2016)


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