View No. 11 (2018)

No. 11 (2018)


Section: Archiwum

Archiwum rodzinne Ewy i Jerzego Stolarskich przekazane do Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w ramach Archiwum Pełnego Pamięci

Szymon Czwarno

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie

Wojciech Kujawa

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej w Warszawie

Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 11 (2018), pages: 11–32

Publication date: 2023-04-05


In the spring of 2017, the Institute of National Remembrance initiated a project named The Archives Full of Remembrance aimed at collecting and preserving legacies, family archives and private collections concerning the recent history of Poland. One of the most valuable family archives adopted by the Institute of National Remembrance are the materials regarding Ewa and Jerzy Stolarski – soldiers of the AK (Home Army) and PSZ (Polish Armed Forces) in the West and prisoners during the Stalinist period. The “Family Archive of Ewa and Jerzy Stolarski” consists of documentation created and collected by both spouses as well as materials inherited from members of their families. The chronological limits of the archives acquired fall approximately between 1860–2006. The archive includes about 1,5 running metres of materials divided into 302 units. The arrangement of the files is based on a breakdown into fourteen parts corresponding to individual family members, including materials from strangers and unrecognized persons, as well as numerous attachments. The materials belonging to the collection are divided in terms of physical form thereof into two series: documentation and photographs.

Czwarno, S., & Kujawa, W. (2023). Archiwum rodzinne Ewy i Jerzego Stolarskich przekazane do Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej w ramach Archiwum Pełnego Pamięci. Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, (11), 11–32. Retrieved from



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                            View No. 11 (2018)

No. 11 (2018)


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