Zarządzenia i instrukcje archiwalne MSW (1957–1990)
Przegląd Archiwalny Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, No. 12 (2019), pages: 13-36
Publication date: 2023-04-05
During the years 1944–1990, archives of state security organs operated in Poland. During this time, six comprehensive ordinances were issued regarding the handling of archival materials at the ministry: No. 00123/57, No. 0127/57, No. 0107/68, No. 034/74, No. 030/79 and No. 049/85. From 1957 to 1990, they governed in full the proceeding of acts produced by security authorities. In the audited period, all archival work at the ministry was subordinated to the management of the operational archive. In the process of amending archival norms, the handling of operational and non-operational acts was regulated in the apparatus of repression. The normative status was changed from “top secret” to “secret”. Gradually, changes were made to the names describing the collected operational materials: documentation, archival files, archival materials. All subsequent archival norms retained similar content and structure of issues. In the list of files, the number of departments, entries and types of operational files increased. The number of types of prints has been amended and increased. The normative status has been changed from instruction to ordinance. All modifications made to the aforementioned norms resulted from the specific nature of operational files and the need to secure the efficiency and secrecy of the Security Service’s operational units.
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