View No. 11 (2022)

No. 11 (2022)


Section: Studia

“The Communist International” in the rhythm of the cancan. Basic unit of the Polish United Workers’ Party at the Silesian Operetta (1952–1966)

Bogusław Tracz

Instytut Pamięci Narodowej Oddział w Katowicach

Komunizm: system-ludzie-dokumentacja, No. 11 (2022), pages: 224-260

Publication date: 2023-06-26


Established in 1952, the Silesian Operetta in Gliwice, functioning as a branch of the Silesian Opera in Bytom in the years 1952–1955, was one of the leading operetta scenes in the Polish People’s Republic. Due to its location in the city, situated in the most industrialised and urbanised region of the country, from the very beginning of its operation, activities in line with the cultural policy priorities of the communist state played an equally important role alongside the promotion of musical culture. That compliance was primarily supervised by the company unit of the PZPR, which claimed the right to interfere both in the programme assumptions and artistic repertoire, as well as in personnel policy and filling the managerial positions. The article is an attempt to reconstruct the role and importance of the basic unit of the party in the Silesian Operetta in the 1950s and the first half of the 1960s, based on the archival materials stored in the State Archives in Katowice. The formation and functioning of this party authority during the twelve consecutive years of the operation of the Silesian Operetta was reconstructed. The author, in addition to reconstructing the facts, tries to answer how and to what extent the communist party controlled and influenced the activities of the Operetta and whether it subjected it to the political and ideological assumptions of the party.

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Tracz, B. (2023). “The Communist International” in the rhythm of the cancan. Basic unit of the Polish United Workers’ Party at the Silesian Operetta (1952–1966). Komunizm: System-Ludzie-Dokumentacja, (11), 224–260.



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Dział: Studia